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"Great. P do you know what David had to do to beat the giant down?" He asked the sweet young six year old sitting quietly in contrast to her class mates. She sat in a pink bright floral dress her dad had bought her earlier that week, and pink small heels to match as her golden hair hair sat in small pigtails due to her overdue hair trim, Mr. Styles thought she still looked adorable.

"Uhhh....he...he-he shot rocks?" Smiling, with a blush in her rosy cheeks as she tilted her small head to the side, she answered shyly.

Mr. Styles smiled and nodded

"Right, good job Precious. See kids, you should read your bible like P. so you can also be as smart, you earn a cookie!" He grinned handing small Precious a small chocolate bear, he knew they were her favorite.

At only 18, Harry had managed to get a spot as a teacher in the church he'd been attending since he turned one. His mom was proud of her son, not going to parties, attending school and no drugs. He was the perfect kid! Harry was well know in his church as a hard worker, and the kids loved him.
Especially Precious.

His Church had four classes, each individual class was for a section of kids separated by age. There was the class for babies, then toddlers, kids in the mid age, then the last class was for kids who had grown out of the mid age from 11-14. It was a Christian Church, very religious.

He worked his ass off during the week but year after year Harry taught each class each Saturday morning for nine years until he was finally pronounced preach of his church. Coming on late night ceremony's on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursday's before waking up in the early hours of Saturday mornings.

His loyalty towards God faded once his mind came in thought with a very guilty pleasure, Precious.

Precious H.S auWhere stories live. Discover now