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I woke up to silence, sweet silence.

Of course rain still poured outside, seeming like hail due to the loud noise but other than that it was all silent.

The room was dark, but not dark dark to the point I couldn't see my own hand but dark to the point where I could see anything in my room.

Like when you turn off your bedroom light during the day.

All i remember was Mr. Styles putting me to sleep, helping me.

God I feel so embarrassed, he probably thinks I'm a problematic teen with issues.

I mean yes, I have anxiety therefore my panic attacks and I'm really shy, that's all.

Wait....is he still here?

By now, my father should be at work, my grandpa should be at the clinic, and my grandma at her bakery.

I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, washed my face, changed into a black skirt and a cute creamy colored blouse that had the shoulders bare so I look presentable in case Mr. Styles is here.

I put some socks on and took a deep breath, my heart pounding against my chest as I opened my door.

The smell of bacon hitting me.

I frowned

Is grandma here?

Harry's p.o.v

Was it best that I left before anyone woke up? Or am i doing the right thing now? Cooking breakfast well after 7 for two people.

A teen and me.

I think I'm doing the right thing, I helped her last night which was good, I'm making her breakfast to made her feel a lot better.

I mean, after a panic attack you should feel loved and not ignored.

She must feel embarrassed, knowing P, she's shy and I know this is far too embarrassing for her so I wanted to make her feel safe and sound.

She is a sweet girl after all..

..and a hot one as well.

Soft, quiet, slow footsteps were heard before her small body appeared in the kitchen biting her lips.

"Well good morning P" I smiled but realized I scared her.

"Uhh-Mr. Styles.... I-uhh goo-goodmorning" she smiled shyly.

She was so cute.

Even more as I noticed a skirt. Hugging her curves deliciously.

I cleared my throat and asked her to sit.

I placed a plate full of eggs, bacon, toast, and a hash brown, with sausage on the side.
She smiled and thanked me as I sat down next to her.

We ate in silence, awkward may I say.

We washed out plates and stood in the kitchen in silence.

"Look P-"

"I'm so sorry about yesterday, I understand if you think I'm a teen with issu-"

"Don't say that" I spoke frowning. How could she think that I would think such a thing about her.

She's beautiful, if anything, I think she's almost perfect.

"Listen P. I'm glad I was there for you, don't be embarrassed, that's normal, everyone has anxiety" I grabbed her by her shoulders making her look into my eyes as I rubbed circled on her bare skin.

So smooth.
She gave me a soft smile.

"Okay" she whispered as I wrapped my arms around her in a welcoming hug.

God her boobs.

"Mr. Sty-"

"Its Harry for you doll"

Maybe daddy if you'd like.

"Sorry... Harry thank you" she bit her bottom lip and gave me one last short hug.

"No problem doll, it's my pleasure"

I stayed at her house, playing board games as we always do, watched a few movies before the clock hit 12.

"Grandma left some left over dinner from yesterday, hope you don't mind" she gave me a plate with aluminum foil wrapped around it as I was getting ready to leave.

Such a sweet heart.

I smiled and hugged her small figure.

"Thank you P. I'll see you soon darling" she blushed as I opened the door.

"Goodbye Harry, have a safe drive, please be careful" concern on her face as she lead me out.

My car waiting for me.

The rain had stopped momentarily but I knew it was minutes from hell.

She smiled and waved as I backed out the driveway, she wrapped her small arms around herself.

I hoped that maybe that skirt will be blown off by the wind and I would get a good view but unfortunately it didn't happen as I drove off.

I drove off with a huge bulge, stress washing over me.

Hours in that house without a simple touch other than a hug and maybe a hand grazing upon mine on accident.

All I had was an imagination and my hand.

This will do.

Precious H.S auWhere stories live. Discover now