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He had such a big home I wondered if he got paid for being a pastor or did he have a job?

"P get me some of that pasta the one with the red label" he pointed at the box of pasta with the red label.

We stood in an empty isle, him on one end with two salsa bottles in hand looking at the ingredients with furrowed eyebrows while I stood on the other end grabbing the box of pasta for him, I placed it on the cart next to him while he skimmed through the other pasta sauces on the isle rack, he bit his lower lip looking deep in thought as I stood next to him moving my sight from his pretty face to the sauce his eyes were on.

"That one looks yummy" I spoke trying to get him to get a sauce and leave, his lips twitched upwards for a second before grabbing the sauce.

"My mum use to cook a lot with this sauce when I was a kid" he turned it around to see the ingredients, what was I supposed to say to that?

"She would make some great pasta" he turned to me to see my reaction to his words but I didn't know what to do.

"My grandma cooks some good pasta with that too" I bit my lip

"Mmm yeah I've heard about her famous pasta, I haven't got a chance to try it though" he once again bit his lip as he switched the weight of his body to his other foot.

"I can make it" his head snapped towards me with a surprised look on his face.

"I don't believe you" he gave me a daring look as I nodded.

"It's true I can make it just like hers" I flipped my hair over my shoulder and crossed my arms over my chest, he then placed two bottles of it in the cart.

"Let's see you do it then little liar" he joked as he lightly flicked my nose, I pushed him away slightly making those dimples pop out with that gorgeous smile and a little laugh.

"Okay then challenge accepted" he rolled the cart down the empty isle of the big super market as we joked around and pushed each other, small laughs here and there enjoying each others company like we always did.

As we turned the corner he wrapped his arm over my shoulder lightly kissing the top of my head, whispering jokes into my ear as I giggled.

But a cart bumped against ours, we both turned to the person who was pushing it, a red haired lady.

She seemed to be glaring at Harry as he cleared his throat, arm still wrapped around my shoulder, it was the hand with the least amount of tattoos, his sweater felt so nice though.

"Hello Harry" she forced a smile before looking down at me and his arm around me, she stood way taller than me in shorts and a loose shirt, hair up in a messy bun but her makeup was neatly done looking natural, she was pretty.

"Precious" how did she know my name? I was confused, how did she know Harry?

"Brenda" Harry nodded towards her seeming to have gotten in a bad mood in just seconds.

I leaned closer to Harry not liking the way her eyes burned holes all throughout my body.

"I see you took my advice" she momentarily looked at him before her eyes landed on me once again, I didn't like it and I could tell he didn't either.

"Brenda not here" he spoke sternly as she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Years thrown away because of this little slut" She spat turning away from us and stomping off, his fist was balled up as he glared at her back, wadi just called a slut from a random lady?

"Who was she?" I asked turning my attention to him, swiftly taking his arm off me. He let out a sight and shook his head.

"Don't worry about it" his eyes landed on mine and gave me a little smile, I frowned not really buying it..he wanted me to drop it.

"She seemed to really not like me" I stated as he bit his lip and shrugged.

"Some women are very hormonal she just thought you were really pretty it's threatening sometimes" he seemed to make a joke about the situation but dropped his smile once he saw my frowning face.

"We're missing an ingredient" I looked down at our cart changing the subject then back at him, he frowned and scanned the cart with frowned brows.

"We are?" He moved some items to the side to see what ingredient we were missing.

"Yup, I'll go get it you can stand in line they look a bit long" he turned towards the line a couple feet from us and surely there were atleast seven people with carts full in each line, he nodded seeming to think that was a good idea.

"Good idea...I'll um just go stand over there then" he looked back at me with a light awkward smile before leaving, I hurriedly turned to see where the red haired lady went.

Maybe it was a bad idea finding out who she was but she called me a slut and I think I'd like to know why. I ran through every isle trying to spot the red haired lady but she seemed to be gone and I'm sure Harry had gone up the line now, I sighed and grabbed some pepper flakes hopeful that Harry would take this as the missing ingredient.

"You know Harry wouldn't want you alone with me" a smilie voice spoke making me jump almost dropping my pepper flakes, found her.

"What did you mean by years thrown away?" I turned to her, she stood next to me looking at the salt, a small smirk on her lips.

"How do you know father Styles?" Her head snapped towards me kinda scaring me.

"He hasn't told you?...wow" she rolled her eyes placing the salt back and turning her body towards me glaring down at me.

"Harry and I met in high school, he was the love of my life but as soon as he met another girl apparently better looking than me he left me like I was nothing" she spat inching closer to me, I could smell her breath...garlic doesn't really have the best smell on lips.

"So you guys were together?" So she was just a jealous ex girlfriend, okay.

"I was his wife" my eyes widened realizing who I was talking to.

"You're the pretty red haired lady I met all those years ago?" She smirked at the sound of the word pretty. I can't believe it, she looks slightly different, a lot less makeup and a lot less heels for sure.

"Yeah and that bastard broke my heart because of you" she slowly tucked my hair behind my ear, our close proximity and her garlic breath making me dizzy.

Why would Harry leave her because of me?

My phone rang loudly making us both jump.

"You should go, that bastard is probably waiting to ruin you" she spat and swiftly turned around, I followed suit and ran back to him not answering his call.

He was already up about to pay.

"Found it" I gave the cashier the pepper flakes as Harry looked at me puzzled.

"What took you so long P?" I shrugged

"I couldn't find it I had to ask someone to get it for me from the back" he nodded seeming to take the easy lie, I put the stuff in these totes Harry had, he had a thing for totes.

"I had some at home" he mumbled grabbing both bags from my hands and carrying them so easily all the way to his parked car.

It was a sunny day as usual, I expected to be in fourth period at school not helping the pastor of my church make some lunch after I just found out he left his wife for me.

Should I feel special? Concerned? Happy?

"What do you work as?" He drove down the empty streets leading to his lavish Spanish style home, humming a soft tune.

"I'm a software engineer"

Precious H.S auWhere stories live. Discover now