|| Change ||

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Author's Note: THEO POV, It's explicit. VERY. This book will change, I also changed too. Good luck :,)


All I know is that my life was once happy, but these unforgettable events changed everything, especially what my mind had become.

I don't know why nor I don't even know how. It was never the same.

||Middle School Time||

In school, I was just that ordinary kid that had problems of his own, and no one did not even check up on me once. Mom and Dad I believe are starting to get distant. Dad used to put up with the passion for art long ago but time has changed, he suddenly loses interest and took the decision to work in an office job that is probably a long hour's drive away from our home. I'd always see him getting ready early before sunrise or sunset depending on if he has a day or night shift. I see you only twice a week. until then, I haven't heard anything interesting lately...I mean like what can you expect? There's obviously nothing interesting, it's more of working your ass off until all papers are filed and organized.

Mom and Dad rarely had time together. All of us don't sit together as a family when it comes to dinners anymore. It's sometimes just me and Taylor eating on the table with her iPad just watching anything that follows her interest alone, but now it's mostly me who eats at the table alone when no one isn't around.

During dad's busy business days. I lived on with traumatizing moments.

I witness the times at night when Taylor sleepovers most of the time with her best friends that live a few blocks away. I'd stayed in my room quietly, finding possible ways to keep myself busy and I'd always hear my mother's laughter downstairs. I've not heard her laughter in a long time since dad has been working in his uninterested working life. My door wasn't fully close and head downstairs as I started to hear a noise that wasn't common. It was another male voice that was not familiar to me.

I slowly walked out of my door and as I was almost near the stairwells. I saw her...she was with a young muscular man sitting on top of him as they aggressively start to kiss each other, and after a few seconds they start to do things intimately which was way beyond kissing.

I don't know why I kept watching. My eyes start to become blurry. My heart had certainly dropped down to my stomach, as I feel so much disgust, hatred, and full of sadness that I want to throw a vase to stop this awful event. But I can't.
I can't move. 

I can't somehow tell my dad about this. He still loves her, and even through the hard times, he doesn't show it. I slowly left the scene, slowly close the door without making a sound. I somehow can't confront my mother. There are so many reasons why, but I can't let Taylor also know about this. Either. She will get deeply affected.

Months passed by, and she has been doing this with different guys, especially the young-looking ones who are originally in their mid 20's. Every time dad leaves off for work or times when Taylor sleepovers at her friend's house. Mom rarely keeps up with me anymore since I'm the oldest. Her attitude did change, only with me and I guess..my dad as well, but not with Taylor.

During these nights, I would sneak out or mostly run away when dad and Taylor are not at home and it was only just mom. But because of the situation that keeps on happening at night, I don't want to deal with her anymore.

It's been dreadful. I barely had enough sleep within the past months.

Drugs and Alcohol were never on my list and never will be. I believed mom was influenced by that. Before she started hooking up with the first guy I saw at home.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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