|| Not In My Territory ||

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      Cheryl Blossom, Maybe the Manipulative Mean Girl in school. But what's she's been hiding in her inner self was pain, and disconsolate. All She wanted was Love. A Person who would Maintain for her whenever she's feeling up or down. Two People had saved her lives. One were she attempt to commit suicide in Sweetwater River, and the Other were she almost got Sexual Assaulted. Both loved Cheryl, and she misunderstood them. When they say love, They meant caring. Archie and Josie had never liked her in the same way she was feeling. That's what made her Substantial.

Cheryl have the Confidence in school by Roasting others who can't roast her back.

Little did you know, Bullies bullied people because they're hurt.

Hurt from what They Don't have to what, People have.

Cheryl's Point of view, Doesn't have Friends that would be there for her 24/7

They only comfort her when something bad happens around her.

No one haven't encountered her, But only with her brother.

Different in the Inside and the outside.

Her mother had neglected her every since Jason Died, but she didn't cared. she was looking for help.

After she attempts committing suicide, She had burned thorn hill's Mansion down to restart her life all over again. even though she starts from the beginning, She's become more psychotic than she was in her previous early years.

But Trust Me, Theo is worse than Cheryl.


Night had come Cheryl was sitting on the booth's near the neon lights. Just going through her phone, while her strawberry milkshake was on the side of table.

The Bells were Jingling, as Cheryl's eyes were upon the guy she recognize at school.  Theo Marquez, who's wearing all black. Cheryl Get that feeling that she knows what he's about to do, whenever he wears black.

Dusk Till Dawn | Cheryl BlossomWhere stories live. Discover now