Part 11 no place like the overworld

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"she has potential" ... "she is still young, and you know how overprotective he is" .... "do not push than too much" ... "start small at the very least?"
Pink was fucking pissed off! It was not because the group she was traveling with left her to fight, because she told them to run, It wasn't because her pickax broke! No it was because she allowed herself to be cornered with no way to escape.

Pink found herself in between a group of hunters and the lava sea... with no pearls no blocks to put it simply pink was fucked.

The voices who were previously quiet began yelling 'Gold and star!, Gold! Nether star!, Flint and steel, no frame, jump! The old way is easy'.

pink look back at the lava she remembered when she was scared of it but she had to remember that she lived in lava she breathed fire and she grabbed the nether star from the pouch and with a smile she fell back... and for a moment pink felt weightless and calm before the chat yelled at her.

The sound was beautiful and otherworldly as pink striped the star against her sword not to mention the colors! Oh the colors there was A dusty gold, green and the lightest shade of blue pink has ever seen!

It wasn't as painful as she thought it was almost pleasant? It was warm and soft it wasn't scorching heat and tough rock, at first pink thought it was gold dust until the voice is corrected her by screeching Sand? She recognized what Byam this was "where in the desert" The chat began cheering "we are in the overworld" pink rolled around in the sand giggling and celebrating her victory! Pinks injuries from earlier were forgotten for now as adrenaline and joy filled her.

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