Part 21  House rules

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"You look like shit little one" the older Hoglin handed her a bottle of water, she grunted out her thanks. He sat down near her.  "Your new right?" She nodded.

"Dolos pannaries correct?"  "correct" Dolos answered him with a soft hum in her voice. "You know that's not a very common name for a Hoglin?"

Pink froze perhaps this was the day she would be caught and sent back to die.

The older Hoglinn looked down to the ground "they usually give those kinds of names in the pit, you know for the dramatic flare." His voice was playful despite the sad look in his eye.

"I know about here seems a lot different than the pit"

At this moment Pink realized he thought she was from the pit, that she was a gladiator.

"but really the world and the pit are the same but the punishments are different. That was a little dark wasn't it?" He rubbed the back of his neck "what I'm trying to say is in the pit you have structure, out here you have to make your own structure and a part of that is blending in when you have to, which means you have to follow the rules...."

Days past  as pink recovered, until pink now tibi was fully immune to the zombie virus.

The Crowes helped her detangler hair but she never asked Phil to help, he was already doing so much for her.

So when Philza told tibi that he had rules in his house she was prepared to follow them to a T.

Rule number one: what is mine is yours, unless there's a lock But the key is buried 30 feet under me.

The rule was simple despite the long name. Tibi had full access to the house not including locked doors or chest. This includes rooms that were previously locked that for some reason were not locked.

As Phil told her this pink attempted to commit it to memory.

Rule Number two: do not touch any Redstone machinery!

Easy rule to follow, pink had some bad experiences with buttons.

rule number three: clean after yourself

Simple normal House rule and more or less common sense.

Rule number four: no baby zombies! Just no, just NO!

... understandable?

Rule number five: you have to learn something.

"You can learn whatever you like m8, poetry, archery, Lock picking heck go nuts with some Redstone! But just don't do the bare minimum here, it's OK to take a rest and know your limits, but Learning new skills is always handy"

"I want to learn how to use a sword! I wanna fight" pink was embarrassed after she closed her mouth, but Phil began to smile at her enthusiasm.

The older man hummed is he scratched at his chin
"well? Tibi Learning how to fight with a sword comes with more rules. Are you sure you're up for that?"

The young girl's tail began to wag happily
"yes! Yes, I am! Pretty pretty please"

How can Philza Say no? When the kid was acting like a kid.

Training rule discipline, dedication, patients, respect.

Tibi was elated when Phil said yes, in a couple more days her training will begin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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