Part 15  papa bird

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Most people would have thought him crazy everything from the nether is a horrible dangerous monster... but to Phils defense he himself was a horrible dangerous monster.
"Gold, gold, gold. pretty angel. Fluffy. Gold." Philza cradled the Hoglin girl, she was carefully running her fingers through his blonde hair. "thank you mate, you're very pretty as well" Philza could feel the girls tail wag which made him smile. Philza Felt so very old, Oh the angel remembered when his sons stared at him with the same young look in their eyes... it was The closest thing to innocence he had ever seen in his children's eyes. "you're so very beautiful" The blonde man said wistfully.
Philza had to focus if he was going to help he needed information "what's your name mate" for a moment that most people would miss her eyes went somewhere else, somewhere that must've been terrifying as far as Phil could tell. The girl shook her head "no- No name" The girl thought "but I am tibi" her smile brightened she said the name. Philza smile at her and for a while they sat in silence. "can I stay?" Phil was a bit stunned but he quickly recovered "I would be happy if you stayed here as long as you want to be here, tibi" Phil was still shocked he remembered how he had to beg Techno Wilbur and Tommy to stay for at least a couple nights before they eventually gave in to his fatherly affection. The wing man chuckled to himself as he laid tibi down on the guest bed "it was really that easy huh" Phil looked over to Anubis his favorite crow, and he smiled seeing a letter from his son in the Bird talons. For a moment Phil stared at the letter thinking about his son, about his sons and how they were all at least some kind of demigods... and he wondered allowed "I wander what you are, or what you will become, tibi~"

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