Part 20 A bath and breakfast 

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"Do not test me! Remember who you were speaking to, remember who tolerates your games child!"

They had angered her. "please my lady, this is a matter of blood gods-"

She laughed, it was cold unlike her usual warm laughter. "oh my! Have you forgotten? I am the bloodiest of goddesses"

Phil busy himself with cleaning his home of items of his children, mainly the older twin and locking doors of certain rooms. Phil Knew that most Hoglin children Were told tales of their king, and the blonde Did not want a bad reaction from the orphan girl.

Phil was making food when it happened, at first he thought It was his youngest Or maybe his oldest The footsteps were too light and gentle to be a hoglin. So he was a bit surprised to see two blood red eyes staring into his sky blue eyes.

"Want some food m8" Phil held a plate of cooked warped mushrooms and pork chops. To Phil's delight The young girl walked to the table and sat down. Her pink hair Nearly dragged  on the floor.  Pink despite her hunger had the patience to wait until the man sat down in the chair in front of her, The couple months in the
Soul sand valleys taught pink many things including silverware was not vital to eating.

Finally the man watched the girl eat, only slowing down when she stabbed herself with her little tusks.

"You OK" his voice was gentle and kind, Pink replied with a quick snort. Somehow her brain wasn't up for forming common speak (despite earlier when she was drugged?)

Phil made the girl another plate of food, unlike the first she slowly picked up the food nibbles on it. The silence was weird when Pink first woke up she was alarmed to realize The voices were gone, maybe not gone She could still feel them watching, like they always did.

Pink sat on a well loved couch, she was surrounded by a nest of blankets The man sat nearby. The odd pair had finished eating a bit ago . pink Kind of just went with it If this man or Phil. If Phil wanted to kill her or hurt her He would have done it earlier.

Philza did most of the talking, pink agreed to some things and disagreed with others, She was still a part of the conversation. But now Phil is quietly rummaging in some old boxes labeled girl boss. He was trying to find some clean clothes for Tibi to wear.

There were purple lacy dresses, black flowy dresses, embroidered yellow sweaters and light green robes But none of it would fit his guest.

Phil decided to choose the smallest dress in the box, The dress was Black with purple lace and long sleeves. "Here you go m8 It might not fit you but it's the best I got at the moment" Phil smiled.

Pink stared at the fine fabric in her hands, It reminded her of a dress.

Pink barely remembered that day, He wanted a family portrait to hang in his study. Pink remembered how long she stood next to him. She remembered it was one of the nice painters, the one that didn't complain about her fidgeting. 

But most importantly pink remembered The dress she wore, The blue dress was covered in white lace Just like the one she held in her hands now.

Pink looked up at Phil "Are you sure?"

The question caught both of them off guard, Almost like pink didn't mean to say it. "I'm sorry m8 We could try another one if you don't like it" pink looked mortified.

Tibi Backed away from Phil "No, no It's lovely! It's that I'm not lovely. I mean It looks expensive and..."

Phil remembered his oldest being skittish and wary. Techno Had the eye for the finer things in life, But when he was younger He refused The nicer clothes Phil would try to give to him. one time Phil had gotten techno, a lovely brown tunic with black pants both of which had gold embroidery.

Techno loved The gift and from then on he happily took what Phil gave to him.

Pink took the dress and went to the bathroom to wash up. The bathroom was somewhat large and primarily made of Blackstone.It reminded tibi of the castle, The thought brought an ache to her chest.

The water was warm and not too hot unlike the scarce water in the nether. Warm soapy bubbles clung to the short for on The hoglinn's body, The bubbles glittered in the light.

The bathwater was disgusting reddish brown flex of black floated on the very top, Tibi grimaced at the site.

Pink now realized how disgusting she smelled, dried blood, bone and Other things were stuck in her hair that was horribly tangled.

Something Peck at the door? Pink opened it to reveal a flock of crows.

"hair!" One of the crows squawked and almost like someone whispering the real meaning pink understood.

And that's how pink found herself laying down on the bathroom floor allowing her hair to be swallowed up by a sea of feathers.

When the crows were done with their work her hair was a bit curly and frizzy, but it wasn't as bad as before. The crows continued bringing Pink things to fix her hair.

By the time she was done it wasn't as soft or silky smooth as it used to be but it was so much better than before, almost like a weight has been lifted.

Pink could breathe A bit easier now. She hadn't noticed how long her hair had gotten, when it was tangled up it almost touched the floor but now a good couple of inches rested delicately on the Blackstone.

She didn't feel comfortable with the crows braiding her hair; it was such an intimate thing for another being to do. 

Maybe she could ask Phil.

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