Part 16 A soldiers chorus 

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(Authors note recently a good friend of mine looked at my horrible punctuation and decided to suffer so you don't have to so please say thank you to Rose-icosahedron Who is slowly making their way through the Book they haven't gotten to this one yet but maybe come back in the future if you want to see more polished version by that I mean better punctuation now enjoy)

To the blade singing what is four poets and those who could not comprehend the language of violence, but the Blade knew how to speak with violence, to the Blade violence was the only song he knew how to sing
It was a night like any other Techno Blade, The king of the nether was dead asleep. Techno woke up immediately grabbing his sword, years upon years of war hardened instinct calmly coursing through his veins, whatever tried to kill him should've really kept their voice down. Besides if you're going to try to kill someone in their sleep you probably shouldn't wake them up!
But weirdly enough no one was there? When techno couldn't comprehend what the voices were saying all he heard was angry yelling nothing new so the blood God laid back down besides it wasn't the first time he slept through a gas wailing fit, One of the louder voice is screamed "you always sleep through a gass!"
Techno Blade jolted out of his bed, immediately grabbing his axe, approximately two months of fatherly instinct that slammed into him like a ravager forced him awake.  "fuck! I have a fucking baby!"
Techno berated himself as he ran down the fortresses halls, after what felt like forever Techno made it to his daughter's room and usually techno would take this moment to Marvel at the fact he had a daughter, but said daughter was crying. Techno forcefully open the door his eyes locked on the warped wood cradle and The screaming infant inside. The Pigman hybrid gently put his axe on the side table, before gingerly picking up the whaling baby girl, quickly he checked if she needed to be changed or did she need to eat? Techno wished that Matilda was here, because even though he was technically older than this kingdom he was still physically and arguably mentally in his late teens/early 20s but Matilda was mortal but most importantly she knew how to take care of baby's.
Techno rocked back-and-forth trying to hush his daughter "what did Matilda say about freaking babies?" Chat was not being helpful so he tried his best to block them out he had to remember "OK, OK changing, feeding, burping, playing?"
He knew there was more that he was forgetting, what was he forgetting! "my notes!" Quickly Techno went over to the changing table opening up one of the drawers he grabbed a leather bound book and flipped through it.
He flipped through everything he already thought of but eventually he found it! He went over to a chest opening it up he grabbed A silky gold cloth, then techno went back to the crib and retrieved fuchsias favorite blanket and sat down on the rocking chair. His daughter pink stopped screaming it was replaced with sobbing, after a bit of techno trying to calm her he gave in, carefully techno took off his shirt he then cradled pink against his chest where his heart beat was. To techno's dismay it was not enough, so he Think of something that wasn't a story because he knew when his daughter got like this she didn't like stories she like singing.
Techno was never good at singing that was his brother the poet, though techno did dappled in poetry especially after a couple of wars where are the troops would, sing songs. The Pigman looked around the room that was eerily familiar with it gilded walls and warped wood furniture, all it was missing was the send of blood. Techno started as if he was preparing for battle by himself.
"we fight. we fight to protect our home. A place in the nether rack that we carved to make our own. We know. we know The Pigman were the first to make it their home. But thanks to the orphans they no longer rome."
Pink was quiet against his chest, Golden cloth in her mouth but techno continued
"we are strong. We are strong so every Hoglund will sing along. No harm. no harm to our packs as long as we stay back to back. We stand. We stand with one single plan. We are. We are siblings Forge from bloodshed, and we celebrate every head that we take from their vile ranks."
Techno remember the wars he won just build this kingdom, he remembered Hoglund who didn't see him as a god, a weapon or a king instead he was their brother forged in blood and war
"Because. because They take and they take so we will break and break. they made. They made a mistake coming here we will pierce them with our spears. And we will relish salty gas tears"
Techno looked down at his daughter who is fast asleep against his chest
"I fight. I fight to protect, our home."
Techno watched his daughter sleep, still softly mumbled the rest of the chant.
Techno did not yearned for the years he sat in the rocking chair with his daughter. The warrior had never truly mourn the death of his allies, his brothers forged from war and blood. Besides it had already been a year sense, he had to take care of someone like that, like a father and he remembered faintly Phil saying something "once a father always a father"
So techno sat there in Pog Topia cradling his partly traumatized, Child soldier brother, who seemed too small wrapped up in his iconic cloak. Maybe philza was right maybe that's why when techno Blade saw The state of his little brother who is sleeping on the cold stone floor crying he almost instantly started softly chanting that old war tune, he supposed Tommy liked hearing something other than the l'manburg anthem.
"Theseus, I wish you could've met, her"

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