Part 14 not again

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Crows are an omen of death and they or not to be messed with for they are deaths cherubs... and the companion of her angel
Philza woke up in the morning with the entire murder staring at him. "... mates too early for this shit~" about half of the murder began crying and squawking about A chick? One of the crows dropped a gold nugget on him before squawking "dadza!, Dead!, baby~, Hurt help!" Phil covered his head with his wings. Philza Minecraft angel of death cultivator of life was a man who had raised three boys but even he could break. "where is this child you guys speak of could you give me some chords? Because I'll find them if it quiet you all up!" The murder was quiet before one walked up to The exasperated man and mumbled out the coordinates. At first Philza was just joking but the crows actually seemed like they were stressed and they even started helping him get ready and if his crows were being helpful then something has to be wrong? After a short flight Philza found a hole in a wall and he had to admit that if this wasn't child someone taught them to survive or most likely they just wanted shelter. The angel broke the single cobblestone to enter the cave, He first notice his favorite crown Anubis huddled up with a zombie pig- no Hoglund! Philza rushed towards the child looking them over he was glad to say it wasn't too late to help them. After The blonde man forced the Apple down the Hoglin's throat he sat down in front of The child. Phil Rested his elbow on his knee as he stared at the kids face "why do I always get the half dead ones?... or the feral ones?" The murder was oddly quiet most of them huddling around the kid, Philza needed a name and pronouns because the kid would probably start freaking out. "Anubis! Do you know anything about this kid?" The bird stared at Philza for a moment before squawking out "girl" and Phil have a sneaking suspicion that he wouldn't be getting anything else until this girl woke up.

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