ch. 1

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ricky's pov

after i got changed out of my troy costume, i went looking for gina. i've been hoping more than anything that she'd come back, and now that she's here i'm not letting her go.

"hey have you seen gina?" i asked kourtney.

"i think she's in the dressing room packing up," she answered before walking away.

i walked into the dressing room and there was gina, packing up all her stuff as quickly as possible.


gina put her stuff down and turned to face me "uh hey."

"you're leaving already? i think ashlyn's throwing a party. i'd love it if you could come?"

"sure," she replied with a small smile.


an awkward silence fell between us for a few seconds.

"um is that it?"

say something ricky. anything.

"uh, great job tonight ricky," she said, grabbing her backpack and walking away.

say it ricky!

"i love you," i blurted out, stopping her in her tracks.

"i've loved you since the first time i saw you at auditions and and you sang a song about troy and gabriella. a silly little song about troy and gabriella! i love you. and that night at ashlyn's party, i meant to say it. i meant to say it! and i've been kicking myself everyday since then because i didn't say it. but i do. i love you. i've loved you since you threw a drink at ej, and i drove you home to apologise."

"i remember," she said, smiling even though her eyes were watering.

"yeah. and we almost kissed, but i was too scared to mess things up with you, so i didn't. but i love you, i really do. and i don't know what happens tomorrow, or in two minutes when we walk out that door. all i know is...i want this feeling to keep going. because this whole experience...i'm just- i'm not ready for it to be over. for us to be, i mean. and if that means doing another musical then fine."

"i get to pick the musical," she cut in.

"fine. that's fine. it's all fine," i said, making us both laugh softly.

"i just..i don't want this to be just a showmance. really. i want it to be the real thing. i mean- i think it is the real thing i just," i sighed before continuing, "i want a chance to prove it, i do. i mean look.."

"ricky know how in musicals people burst into song when they've run out of things to say?"


she stepped forward a couple paces until she was right in front of me "sometimes it's easier to just kiss."



* * *

3rd POV

and so they kissed. oblivious to the girl outside the room who felt like her heart was torn to pieces.

* * *


ahh first chapter of "i miss you, im sorry" is done! you have no idea how long i've been waiting to share this with you guys . i know this is short, but i had to get this scene out of the way before getting into the story haha

cordially uncordial,

katie x

i miss you, im sorry || rini auWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt