ch. 10

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nini's pov

after ricky left i cried for hours. of course he managed to break through my wall that i put up and now he's probably gonna go and tell gina. i don't even see how they click, but i guess he thinks we don't click. i should of stayed silent, but no. i just had to be honest with him. 

although i did kick him out of my window, which i never did before, so i guess that's a little achievement haha. 

"nini? can i come in?"

"you can come in mama c."

"aww baby, it's gonna be ok," she assured me, joining me on the floor and hugging me.

i stayed cried in her arms before speaking up "but it's not mama. he wants nothing to do with me. he's fully moved on with his life and i need to as well."

"we both know that's not true. whether he realises it or not you both need each other. there's an invisible string connecting you two."

"not anymore."

she sighed, rubbing my arm "you know what i think you need to do?"

"write a heartbreak song, eat a shit ton of ice cream, call kourtney, and act like nothing happened?"

"no, nins. you need to talk to him."

"we're just gonna argue like we just did."

"you never know unless you try."

"but what if it fails?"

"if what fails?"

"what if after we talk it doesn't go well and our relationship completely breaks."

"honey, i don't think that could ever happen."

"it could."

"i have to disagree. like it or not, you'll always have a special place in your heart for each other.  but you have to go talk to him. and that doesn't mean argue or fight. that doesn't mean you yell and fight. you've been friends for too long to give it all up. it's gonna be ok, i know it."


"i promise. go talk to your boy."

i couldn't help but laugh slightly at that "he's not 'my boy' mom. he's gina's boy"

"maybe for now..but not for long," she said, giving me a knowing smile, "go."

i got up and opened my bedroom door "thank you, mom."

"of course."

* * *

ricky's pov:

i've spent the last couple hours pacing back and forth in big red's basement, rambling about everything that's gone on with nini. 

"what if she never talks to me again?"

"she will."

"but what if she goes back to YAC without a goodbye."

"dude she won't."

"but she might. and what if she talks to gina."

"she won't!"

"i shouldn't have talked to her like that. i should've followed her to YAC."

"it's not all your fault dude."

"maybe i shouldn't have told gina i loved her."

"but you do love her dude!"

"i don't know what to do."

"oh my god, ricky chill! this isn't the end of the world jesus christ. you and nini got in a little argument, so what? you guys always work things out in the end."

"not this time," i countered, sitting next to him on his bed and resting me head in my hands.

"well you two haven't exactly tried."

"hey we did! we talked."

"talked? or argued? from what you told me all you guys did was fight the whole time instead of actually talking things through."

"that's bullshit, big red."

"is it though?" he argued, standing up.

"yes it is!" i defended, copying his movements.

"come on ricky!"

"no you come on! i can't fix this!"

he sighed "oh my god yes you can. you need to stop moping about and go talk to her."

"there's no way she'll want to talk to me."

"and you know that, how?"

"well i um i.."

"exactly. go talk to her. you cant just give up on her."

"you know i can't do that."

"can't? or don't want to face what you left behind?"

"fuck off red."

"look, you can be mad at me all you want but you need to talk to her. you guys mean the world to each other. we all see it, it's time you see it too."

i sighed before finally agreeing with him.

"since when did you get so good at advice?"

"you forget that i fall asleep to dr phil every night. now go before it's too late."

"ugh fine. i'll see you later."

"don't come back before you fix things."

it's now or never i guess.

* * *


just a little chapter for you guys :)

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