ch. 7

774 11 25

1 month later

nini's pov

i'm slowly but surely starting to fully adjust to my surroundings, but i can't stop daydreaming of salt lake. i knew i'd miss everybody, but not this much. everytime i see them hanging out on instagram i feel so sad. i'm happy they're happy, but i wish they were here with me.

"nini! pay attention!" my english teacher, ms summers, exclaimed.

"oh sorry miss," i said, coming out of my day dream.

"it's ok, just please focus from now on," she sighed.

ms summers has a tough exterior, but she is genuinely kind and has been helping me get used to the YAC. adjusting here hasn't exactly been easy, but isabelle and i have got really close. isabelle was right when she said that almost everyone else at the school is kinda snobby. like i get you're talented, but that doesn't make you any better than anyone else. my mums tell me it will just take a little time, and i'm ok with that. can we just speed up the process a little bit?

*ring ring ring*

the school bell chimed, making me jump.

"nini would you mind staying behind after class?" i heard ms summers ask, earning snickers from a couple girls.

"oh um of course ms summers."

everyone else left the room while i stayed behind.

"is everything alright?" i broke the silence, walking up to her desk.

"nini," she sighed, "what's going on?"


"i'm not blind, nini. you aren't acting like the other girls. you always seem lost in thought."

"i've just been feeling a little bit homesick lately. it's hard seeing everyone so happy on social media and not being able to be there with them."

"that's completely understandable honey. do you want to talk about it?" she asked lovingly.

i nodded and sat down in a chair by her desk "i don't feel like i fully fit in here."

"oh, why is that?"

"it's just the way the others act. i don't have the same confidence as them."

"you mean you aren't as arrogant and full of yourself as them?" ms summers commented sarcastically, making us both laugh.

"exactly," i laughed.

"well, belive it or not, it might be a good thing that you don't fit in when it comes to that. you need to remember nini that you wouldn't be here if you weren't talented. we belive in you, you have to believe in yourself too."

"thank you ms summers."

"of course, honey. come here," she said, opening her arms for a hug.

"spring break starts tomorrow. how about you go home for a bit and visit everyone?" she encouraged.

"ok, yeah ok i'll go home for a bit."

"but remember that you do belong at this school, sweetie."

"i will. goodbye miss summers."

"goodbye nini," she said, waving at me.

i walked back to my dorm and started packing. i'm so happy i get to go back. i thought we had to stay on campus for spring break, but i guess not. oh i need to tell everyone!

i picked up my phone and started a group facetime call.

it rang for literally only 2 seconds before they all picked up.

"NINI!" they all synchronously yelled. well, except ricky. where is ricky?

"hey guys! i miss you all so much!"

"we miss you more!" ashlyn exclaimed.

"well i have a bit of a surprise.."

"wait what's the surprise?" kourt asked.

"i'm coming home for spring break!"


"um guys did you hear me? i'm coming to visit!"

more silence.

"uh hello?"

"um nini. i'm not sure if you want to come back right now," big red said awkwardly.

"wait why?"

"you know how ricky told gina he loves her?"


"well they're dating officially now. and is kind of mad at you," ej revealed.

"h-he's m-mad a-at m-me" i stuttered, that familiar feeling of tears started to come.

"do you remember the last time he called you?"

"u-uh y-yeah l-last m-month."

"nini," kourtney sighed, "you not picking up that call was the straw that broke the cammels back for him."

"b-but i-i w-was b-busy."

"what?" ashlyn asked.

"i-i'm n-not a-allowed t-to t-take c-calls i-in c-class."

"i'm so sorry nini."

"i-it's o-ok. i-i j-just n-need t-to t-talk t-to h-him a-and i-it'll b-be f-fine."

"nini, he's done."

i burst out into tears. he's officially done with me? what about everything we've been through?

"i'm so sorry nini," kourtney comforted me.

"m-me t-too," i sobbed before hanging up.

it really is over huh?

* * *

go check out the insta acc for this acc: @k8.whitford


i miss you, im sorry || rini auWhere stories live. Discover now