ch. 19

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ricky's pov

"beauty and the beast?!" gina said.

"exactly. hsm was cute and all, but beauty and the beast will take us to another level! we are gonna go from average high schools kids to professional performers!" ms jenn explained.

"ms jenn are you feeling ok?" carlos asked

"yeah you seem a little-"

"intense." carlos said, cutting off seb.

"ok fine. we are going to enter the Alan Menken Awards!"

"well what school would we be competing against?" nini asked.

"north high."

shit. lily goes to that school.

"um what did you say?" i asked.

"north high, ricky. pay attention."

"sorry," i mumbled.

"as i was saying, we will be putting on a production of beauty and beast. auditions are tomorrow after school. i hope to see all of you there," she said, looking at me for the last part before walking us to the door and leading us out of her office.

"you're gonna crush it as belle!" ashlyn told nini.

"i haven't even auditioned yet. who knows what could happen."

"please, you're the most talented out of everyone here. it's definitely in the cards for you." ashlyn assured her.

everyone continued gushing over the roles they hope to be casted for while i stood on the other side of the hall, stuck in my thoughts.

"babe you ok?" nini asked, crossing the room to stand next to me again.


"you zoned out for a bit. are you ok?"

"oh yeah of course."

"you sure?"

"a hundred percent. don't worry about me babe. instead let's worry about how you're gonna look so stunning in belle's dress i'll be too distracted to focus on anything else."

"are you kidding? you're gonna be the most handsome man on that stage in your costume. once you turn human again that is."

"hey when you two are done flirting, we're all gonna go to denny's," carlos said, interrupting us.


"i wasn't kidding though. you're gonna be so fucking stunning," i whispered.

"that doesn't look like walking lovebirds!"

"coming!" nini replied, grabbing my hand.

*           *           *

nini's pov

something's off with ricky. i don't not what it is but he's been way more quiet than normal. he's still smiling and it doesn't look fake which i guess is good, but he's not talking as much as normal. normally he won't shut up lol but he's stayed silent this whole time at denny's. maybe he's sad about us doing beauty and the beast? but he seemed excited for us to play belle and the beast. well, if we get those roles. you never know with ms jenn.

"are you sure you're good ricky?"

"i promise. you know i would never lie to you."

"yeah sorry you're right."

"don't worry, you have nothing to be sorry for. i love you."

"i love you more."

"do you guys just forget the rest of us exist?" carlos said.

"oh shut up. they're in love," seb said.

"yeah, it's adorable," kourtney added.

"more like disgusting," big red said.

"are you saying love is disgusting babe?" seb asked carlos.

"you know that's not what i meant."

"and enough with that weird ass conversation. foods here!" big red said.

* * *

ricky's pov

maybe lily's moved schools? or maybe she hasn't and nini is about to hate me forever and everything is gonna go south and life is gonna be hell and i won't be able to get her back and i would've broken the promise i made and everything would be ruined and it would be all my fault :)

* * *


try reading that last paragraph in one breath. it's like the tiktok levitating challenge

i miss you, im sorry || rini auWhere stories live. Discover now