ch. 15

718 15 46

nini's pov

i ate as fast as possible before giving a lame excuse and leaving the restaurant. i could've beat usain bolt cus of how fast i hauled my ass out of there. i can't keep sitting there, watching gina gush about her relationship and pretend i'm perfectly fine. everyone seemed confused when i had to go so quickly, but thankfully kourt calmed them down saving my ass. 

"yo nini! wait up!" ricky called form behind me just as i left the building. 

i sighed turning around "what ricky?"

"you're leaving already?" he asked, walking up to me. he seemed sad but it's probably fake. after all he knows how to act after doing the spring musical.

"well yeah. i'm going back to YAC."

"can't you stay for a little longer? i missed you."

"well you have a bad way of showing it."

"how? we hung out the other day."

"i'm talking about today ricky. you let gina go on and on about your 'special dates' when we both know we did those first."

he sighed before replying "i'm sorry nini, i wasn't thinking."

"do you have any idea how i feel right now? i'm sitting there trying to look happy while I'm forced to listen to all the details of my ex-boyfriens new relationship. it's like you're just rubbing it in my face. it already hurts like yell, and now you're just rubbing salt in the wound."

"i wasn't trying nini! what can i say, i've moved on!" he raised his voice.

"oh so our kiss meant nothing to you?! and i'm guessing you didn't tell gina, huh?!"

"i can't just tell my girlfriend that i kissed my ex! and it doesn't mean anything it was a stupid mistake! it didn't mean anything to me!" he blurted out, immediately looking like he regretted.

"wow," i muttered.

"neens i didn't mean that."

"sure you didn't. look i'm leaving tomorrow to go back to denver, just leave me alone ricky. and try not to break gina's heart like you broke mine."

i turned around, got in my car, and drove off bursting into tears at the traffic light.

*  *  *

time skip: the next day

ricky's pov

stupid stupid stupid. how could i be so damn stupid. 

'it doesn't mean anything it was a stupid mistake! it didn't mean anything to me!' ugh why would i say that? i didn't mean a single word of it. it's like all i know how to do is break nini's heart again and again. and now she's going back to denver and i probably won't see her again for months. she leaves today and she hates me. 

fuck it i'm calling big red. 

"what's up?" he asked when i called him.

"dude i've messed up. i've really messed up this time."

"with nini?"

"yep," i sighed.

"fucking hell what did you do this time?"

"so i may or may not have told her that me kissing her was a stupid mistake and that it didn't mean anything to me.."

"are you serious?" he asked eerily calmy.

"no i'm just making it all up," i said sarcastically.

"stop the sarcasm bowen. what're you gonna do about it?"

"about what?"

"well are you just gonna let her leave hating you?"

"i mean there's nothing i can do, it's already been said and done."

"how dense are you?! you idiot go and talk to her."

"can i just call her?"

"no you dumbass. she'll be leaving in a couple hours, so you better drive your ass over there right now and talk to her."

"but she's still gonna go back to YAC."

"you don't know that dude. the main reason she's leaving is because of you. we both know you're the only one who can change her mind."

"so should i apologise?"

"are you deaf? of course you should apologise! and do it before it's too late."

"i'm fucking terrified though red."


"cus she clearly wants nothing to do with me anymore. she doesn't care about me."

"ricky if she didn't care about you why would she be so upset when she sees you and gina together? she still has feelings for you dude. and you still have feelings for her whether you realize it or not."

"no i'm in love with gina."

"no you're not. hate to break it to you, but you love the idea of gina. not gina herself."

"i guess you're right," i sighed.

"always am. now go and talk to nini."

"ok, thanks red. bye."

"bye ricky. don't fuck up!"

i hung up the phone, and started skatebording to nini's house. god i hope things work out ok.

*  *  *

nini's pov

"i wish you didn't have to go," ashlyn said.

"me too, but i can't stay here with everything that's happened."

"yeah, we get it neens," kourt chimed in.

"i still vote we threaten ricky," carlos sassed.

"los we're not threatening anyone," i replied, laughing.

"ugh i wish we could."

"yeah well that might not be smart cus..ricky?!"

"uh neens you good?.." ashlyn asked.

"i think ricky's outside my house."

"ahh! go get your man girl!"

"um i'll call you guys back," i said, hanging up the facetime call and running downstairs to meet ricky outside.

"ricky what're you doing here?" i sighed, standing in front of him on the porch.

"i just wanted to talk to you."

"so talk."

"nini, i'm really really sorry. i didn't mean anything i said yesterday. i care about you so much, and i couldn't handle you leaving hating me."

"so you're here to make yourself feel better? nice," i said, walking past him and down the driveway to make sure all the suitcases were in the car.

"no, no nini. that's not why i'm here. i'm here to apologise." he replied, walking up to me. 

"for what?"


"ricky, i care about you too but we both know you love gina. not me. that's just how it is. the earth is round, the sky is blue, and you love gina," i replied, putting a backpack into the boot.

"please nini, you can't go," he practically begged.

"yes i can ricky. i can't deal with watching you and gina anymore. i'm sorry."


"no ricky. you said it yourself, you've moved on. and i will too. we're teenagers ricky. i was stupid to think we'd last forever. just go be happy with gina, i'll be fine." i cut him off, going back to walk inside.

"i love you!"

*  *  *


and im back! hahalove how big red is ricky's therapist in this

i miss you, im sorry || rini auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant