ch. 14

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time skip: next day everyone is spending the day running around salt lake together 

ricky's pov

i've been going out of my way all day to avoid eye-contact with nini and any possible interaction with her. 

i know that might make me kind of a dick considering i was the one who initiated the kiss, BUT i'm being a loyal boyfriend so you can't be mad at me for that. luckily gina's been making it easier since she's been stuck to my hip the whole day. i gotta admit though, everytime she hugs me or kisses me i can't help but compare her to nini. what can i say nini is perfect. i love her. but i don't love love her in that i want to be with her. i love love gina. i just don't think nini and i can happen. the universe has made it clear that we aren't meant to be together in that way, so i should stick with gina. after all, she was the one who i confessed my love to; not nini.

"babe, can you order for me?" gina asked me, interrupting my thoughts. 

"for sure. what do you want?"

"mm you know," she said in a sing-song voice.

"of course," i kissed the top of her head "can i get two oreo milkshakes and two grilled cheese's?" i asked the waiter.

nini's head snapped up quickly when she heard my order, successfully catching my eye. she looked upset and somewhat disappointed. 

"and for you?" the waiter asked nini.

"um i'll also get an oreo milkshake with a grilled cheese please."

"coming right up!" our waiter replied, grabbing everyone's menus and walking back towards the kitchen.

"it's funny that you, nini and gina all ordered the same thing hahah" carlos laughed.

"well ricky brings me here every saturday. we always ride our bikes and then come here for milkshakes after. right babe?" gina cut in, smiling up at me.

"yep" i kissed her cheek.

"do you guys go on picnics as well?" nini asked sweetly, plastering on a fake smile.

"yep! and we actually made this like home-made movie theatre the other day. we put up a bed and got a projector and fairy lights. it was so beautiful. and it was mine and ricky's first time doing something like that so it was extra special," gina gushed.

little did gina know that nini and i actually did that every weekend. bike rides, milkshakes, homemade move theatres, all of it. 

"that's actually so adorable. who knew richard could be somewhat romantic?" seb cut in.

"can we see a picture?" kourtney asked.

shit. shit. shit. 

"yeah of course! here," gina passed the phone to kourtney who passed it around the table.

"yeah of course! here," gina passed the phone to kourtney who passed it around the table

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everyone gushed over it until it reached nini. i saw her smile slip for a second before she quickly put it back on. 

"that um that looks really fun guys," she said, nodding her head sadly.

"yeah it was," gina replied, putting her phone back in her bag.

*  *  *

nini's pov

is ricky seriously just gonna sit there and act like he's not completely lying to her? we used to do that shit all the time! and now he's gonna act like it's his first time doing it?! and with gina of all people?!

it's like i'm not even here. as if our relationship meant nothing to him. as if i never meant shit to him. all i wanna do is run out of this restaurant, and leave ricky and his stupid unoriginal dates back in salt lake.

just keep smiling and soon enough you go home, pack, and go back to where you belong. akak the YAC.

fuck you ricky

*  *  *


heh remember when i gave a tw for a chapter cus i know some ppl hate swearing and i only got them to swear like twice? 

also this wasn't edited cus i wanted to just get you something for tonight cus i keep not finding time to write

i miss you, im sorry || rini auWhere stories live. Discover now