ch. 21

302 5 3

*next day at lunch*

nini's pov

"i wonder who will get the role of belle," ashlyn said, taking a bite of her sandwich before handing her boyfriend, big red, the rest of her food.

"oh come on, it's gotta be nini. she slayed it as gabriella," carlos pointed out

"thank you, guys. but just because i got the lead female role last year doesn't mean ill get it this time."

ricky put his arm around my shoulder and kissed my head "babe you're insanely talented. there's no way you're not getting belle."

"maybe ms. jenn will branch out a bit. you know like give it to someone who maybe didn't get a shot last musical?" gina suggested, looking down at her salad and picking at it with her fork, not making eye contact with anyone.

"is that some jealousy i hear?" kourtney sassed.

"no, not jealousy. honesty."

"i don't know, you sound jealous to me," ej said.

"i'm not jealous but i am talented, you know. ricky said so himself when he told me he loved me."

ricky started choking on his water and my shoulders tensed and i dropped my fork. i thought we were over the whole 'ricky loves gina' thing.

an awkward silence fell upon the group as we all stared at each other, wide-eyed at what gina just said.

"oh sweetie, you're still hung up on richard?" carlos said, breaking the silence.

"richard?! who the hell is richard?"

everyone started laughing uncontrollably.

"richard is ricky!"

"how did her go from richard to ricky?"

i raised her hand sheepishly "ah that would be me haha. basically little nini thought that richard is like a grandpa name, which it still is, so i started calling him ricky. and ever since then its kinda stuck," i said, shrugging my shoulders.

"yep! and actually nini's real name isn't nini. It's nina. but little me couldn't pronounce his a's, so i called her nini. and ever since then, everyone calls her that," ricky said, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"so you guys named each other?"

"yep," we said at the same time.

"jinx!" we said.

"honestly you guys are like the perfect couple," ashlyn said.

"she's right. i've never seen two people more in love," sebby agreed.

"yeah well it's pretty easy to fall in love with someone as perfect as nini," tricky said, grabbing my hand and kissing me.

"i love you," i whispered.

"i love you more."

. . .


realised i haven't updated in like forever!

anyways, im back now lol.

cordially uncordial,

katie x

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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