ch. 11

732 15 16

ricky's pov

i skateboarded my way to nini's house. i almost tripped at least 5 times out of nerves. i have no idea how this is gonna go.

i knocked on her door and hear nini yell that she's coming. shit that means her mom's aren't home.

"hey what's-ricky?!"

"hey, um can we talk?"

she sighed before agreeing and leading me up to her room. we sat on her bed out of habit.

"so yesterday we both said some things," i broke the silence.

"we did. how do you feel about it?"

damn this is awkward.

"i regret some of it. i wish we didn't fight."

"i do too," she sighed, "i guess we just got caught up in the moment too much."

i shrugged my shoulders "maybe. but i also think in a weird way it needed to happen. ya know so that know we can try and have a more civil conversation."

"i guess i'll start then. i'm sorry for yelling at you. i was sad and angry and i took it out on you."

i grabbed her hands "god, nini if anything you undereacted. the way i treated you is not ok. i should've been more considerate of your feeling, and im so sorry for that. you mean the world to me, and i should've have acted that way."

"i think it's fair to say we both messed up."

i laughed sadly at that "i feel like we need to clear the air a bit."

we laid down and i pulled her into my chest. to a stranger it would probably look like we're dating, but we're not. we're just friends. well, i think we're just friends.

"agreed. i guess for starters, even though we aren't dating that doesn't mean we can't be kind to each other and hang out together."

"deal. we also have to start being honest with each other. i don't want you to hide how you feel when you're around me."

"ok, that's valid. can i ask you something?" she said quietly.

"of course, nins," i replied, matching my tone and pulling me closer to his chest.

"how does gina feel about me?"

"i'm not sure nins. she doesn't hate you, but i don't think she really wants to be best friends."

"do the rest of our friends hate me?"

i started brushing my fingers through my hair in a way that i know relaxes her "no, of course not. if anything they're mad at me."

"whenever kourtney and i talk about you she looks like she wants to murder you," she admitted, laughing quietly.

"yeah everytime kourtney is in the same room as me i get that vibe."

"she's being a protective best friend."

"mhm. so is big red. he knocked some sense into me."

"that's good," she sighed happily.

"i missed you, nini."

"i missed you too, ricky."

"let's never let things get as bad as they did again."

"thank god. i don't think i can deal with that shit again."

"neither can i. you mean the world to me nins."

"you mean the world to me too."

* * *


aaaaand rini is back in action. also i didn't edit this so sorry if it's trash

i miss you, im sorry || rini auWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt