ch. 18

653 18 21

*prepare for rini cheesiness because they are too cute*

*        *         *

gina's pov

"are you sure you want to get in the way of ricky and nini's relationship? i mean they're ricky and nini. they're the best couple at east high."

"of course i'm sure natalie," i paused, taking a sip of my water, "ricky and i belong together, not ricky and nini. and soon enough he'll realise that. then nini will go back to YAC and my life will be perfect again."

"but don't you feel like it could be kind of..mean?"

"it's not mean. more like turning a wrong into a right. fixing things back to the way they should be. i just need a plan."

"fine," she sighed, "do you need me to do anything?"

"i'll see. for now, we'll pretend like nothing is happening. keeps your friends close and your enemies closer."

"don't say i didn't warn you," natalie said, getting up to throw away her lunch. 

nini doesn't belong here. and i'll make sure that she goes back to YAC. that's where she belongs. far away from ricky.

*        *        *

ricky's pov

"neens please eat something."

"i'm sorry but gina keeps staring at me. i feel like i could be sick."

"i promise angel everything's ok. she didn't seem mad at all. she even told me to be good to you."

"i don't know ricky. she seems like she's planning something."

"this isn't a tv show baby. she wouldn't be planning something."

"you promise?" nini asked, looking away from gina and up at me.

"i promise," i assured her, kissing her shoulder and putting my arm around her shoulder making her press herself further into me.

"i love you."

"i love you too. and i'd love you even more if you ate something," i said, taking a spoonful of oatmeal (she has some weird obsession with it. i think it's tasteless mush but whatever) and holding it up to her. 

"ugh fine," she replied, taking a bite.

"thank you, angel."

"you guys disgust me," carlos cut in.

"well excuse me for loving MY BOYFRIEND at school," nini sassed, making me almost burst out laughing. 

"he's got a point. you guys are like obsessed with eachother," big red agreed.

"you try dating the girl you've been best friends with since kindergarten, then come and say that. until then, shush."

"leave them along guys. they love eachother. who can blame them?" kourtney cut in.

"thanks kourt," nini said.

"ok, moving on. what do you guys think the musical will be?" sebby asked.

"it's gotta be high school musical 2. right?" ashlyn thought out loud.

"i don't see why not. we have a lot of the costumes. and we already have the casting done," nini agreed.

"plus we have a lot of the sets," big red pointed out.

"yeah i don't see why we wouldn't do hsm 2."

"how about we all go ask miss jenn after school and we can find out? she told she's deciding today," carlos suggested.

"oh that's a good idea. meet you guys outside her office at 3?" i offered.

we all agreed and went back to our conversations. 

it has to be high school musical 2. right?

*       *       *

3 hours later

carlos' pov

"so the musical is gonna be beauty and the beast."

what the fuck.

*       *       *


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