The Yaoyorozu Household

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Some time has passed sense the death of the Maekawa family. Everyone found out about the murder, but only Momo and Ashido know who the murderer was. For the most part, everything was normal. Momo didn’t talk to me for a while, but I’m pretty sure she forgave me because she started talking to me again.

I was laying face down on my desk because Bo fell asleep while in control. It’s not the first time this has happened, but it was the first time it happened at school. Momo was getting excited about having some people over at her house.

“Uh… What’s Salazo doing?” asked Sero.

“Bo fell asleep during class.” Replied Momo.

“Should we wake him up, he’ll probably miss something if we don’t.” added Ojiro.

“I got this.” I wasn’t in control so I couldn’t tell if anything was happening to me.

“Ahhhh! It’s like earbuds, but not!” Shouted Bo who was woken up by Jiro’s earphone jack.

“That’s what happens when you fall asleep in class.”

“Well, I’m sorry… I didn’t get much sleep last night because Salazo kept waking up in the middle of the night.” No, don’t bring me into this!

“Salazo’s one of the best students here, why would be waking up in the middle of the night?” Kaminari said in a sarcastic tone.

“I can’t say, It’s top secret. So, what are you guys talking about?” I’m glad Bo didn’t say anything about that.

“Yao-Momo’s going to tutor us so we can go to the summer camp!” said Ashido.

“I’ll go too. Can I bring someone with me? She’s my friend from last year, and she wants to be a teacher so this could help her too.” Does Bo realize that there were no girls in our class that wanted to be a teacher?

“I don’t see why not. The more the merrier!” Momo was still very excited to have guests over.

“A personal tutor for us, and a girl no less!” Kaminari getting his hopes up for a fictitious girl, but his fantasies were interrupted by Jiro’s earphone jack.

“That's not the reason you’re going!”

“Consider it a bonus. We get good grades, we go to camp, and we get to see this girl that Salazo knows.” Sero said on behalf of Kaminari and himself.

“Great! It’s all settled then. I’ll bring the girl and you bring yourselves. You got that Salazo?” We have no female in our class that wants to be a teacher! Stop saying that!

The school day finally came to an end. I was already home and was sitting on my bed. I was going to prepare for finals until I remembered that Bo had said a female student from our class would be helping us study.

“Bo, who is this female teacher you were talking about?” I asked.

“Nagisa, you don’t remember her?” Bo said with complete confidence.

“Nagisa as in the blue haired kid that was the best assassin?”


“Ok, I think we are on the same page. Nagisa’s a boy.”

“Oh yeah… Do you think they’ll know?”

“I’m sure the truth will come out eventually. Until then, don’t say anything about Nagisa being a boy. I wanna see what happens.” I wonder how weird I look when talking to my personalities. I’m just talking to myself, but with another person at the same time. “I should probably get in contact with Nagisa so we can expect to see him there.” I pulled out my phone and sent a message to him. He said he was able to go and thought it would be good practice.

The Hero With Many Faces. (My Hero Academia) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now