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"Zayn" I whispered, feeling a dreadful pain in my stomach.

"Hmm?" he hummed, half-way awake.

"Get up, Zayn"

"Baby, its 2:15 a.m. Go back to sleep"

I laughed, sarcastically. "Oh, sweetheart. Maybe I would if I wasn't having these damned labor pains" I practically screamed at him.

"Labor pains? Like, 'about to give birth to baby' type'a pains?"

I closed my eyes, and breathed in and out several times, trying not to scream at him. "Yes, my dear sweet Zayn" I breathed, as calmly as possible.

He immediately got up out of bed, and flipped on the lamp, so that he could see.

I noticed that he was wearing nothing, except black Calvin Klein boxers.  

"Why the hell would you sleep naked, knowing that this baby was due any time now?" I asked, as he grabbed my hands, and helped me sit up, so that my I was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"If you were a dude, you'd know the struggle of sleeping with clothes, or without clothes. Without is much more comfortable" he said, slipping into some black jeans, and a black t-shirt.

He grabbed a jacket, and stopped by the mirror, checking his hair, before grabbing a pair of his boy shorts, and one of his white t-shirt's.

He pulled on a pair of socks, and some black vans, throwing an extra pair of socks, and a pair of white vans into a bag.

I watched him run around the room in a panic, and then, and only then, in that moment, did I realize that we were about to have a child. We were about to be parents. The man that I swore I would never fall in love with, was about to help me through the labor of our child.

He suddenly pulled me from my thoughts, when he ran out the door, down the stairs, and out the front door, leaving me behind.

I raised my eyebrows, then heard him opening the door, and running back up the stairs.

"I was going to go help my wife give birth, without my wife" he said, chuckling as he practically picked me up.

"Baby, I don't think that the fact that you are pregnant, and not disastrously heavy is really healthy" he whispered,  placing a single kiss to my cheek, as I wrapped my arms around his neck whilst he carried me down the stairs, and to the car.

After he had helped me in, he got into the car, and drove towards the hospital.

"I'm scared, Zayn" I said, all of the thoughts flooding my mind.

Was I prepared enough to be a mother? Would I be a good mum? No, no, no. I didn't want to be a good mum. Any woman can be a 'good' mum. I was determined to be a great mum.

He reached over the console of the SUV, taking my hand, and squeezing it lightly. It was nice to know that he was there for me, and that he supported me.

"Me too, baby. Me too" he said, pulling into the parking lot. He stopped the car, and started to get out, but stopped for just a moment.

"Never mind" he said, before opening his door, and getting out. He ran around the car, and helped me out of the car.


"Shit" I yelled, squeezing Zayn's hand, as another pain shot through me.

We had been taken into a room, and basically told that, until I was giving birth, I was on my own. Well, except for Zayn. He hadn't left my side, even to go to the bathroom.

He was dedicated.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, before a nurse walked in.

"I'm going to go get the doctor. Are you ready?" She said, smiling as she walked back out of our room.

I looked over at Zayn, to see a smile plastered on his face.

"So, I hear that you're ready to have a baby?" A man in a white coat asked.

I raised my eyebrows, and cocked my head to the side.

"Here we go" I whispered, giving Zayn's hand yet again, another squeeze.

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