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||holly's pov||

I pushed past Zayn as we walked into the house.

"Goodnight" he said as we both walked upstairs & to our rooms.

"What's so good about it?"

"Okay, not-so-goodnight."

"That's pretty much the truth"

I slammed my bedroom door, & jumped on my bed. I always seemed to underestimate the springs in my bed, because I always rebounded back off of it & onto the floor. And yet, I still bounced around on it.

I propped myself up on my hands as I sat there on the floor. I sighed, & quickly got up, praying Zayn didn't hear my loud thud.

No footsteps. Good. Thank God. Nope, I spoke to soon. I thought to myself as I heard fast footsteps coming towards my room.

"What are you doing? You sound like a bull in a china closet"

"And you sound like a grouchy old man" I shot back at him.

He gritted his teeth, & looked at the ground, then back at me.

"I don't like your attitude at all. You are a self centered brat, & I wish that I could've married someone way different than you."

"Zayn, oh my God. If you could actually hear yourself right now, you'd be laughing. You called me a self centered brat. But, if I am so self centered, why was I named the most 'Charitable Celebrity' for 5 years straight? And on the last part, I didn't ask you to Marry me. If you didn't notice, I don't like you either. But guess what? We don't have a choice. So suck it up, buttercup."

He turned around, & walked back out of my room. Closing the door behind him.

He was such a jerk!

||zayn's pov||

She was such a jerk!

I realize she didn't ask to be put in this situation, but geez. At least pretend to be nice.

I didn't need her anyways. I had Perrie. I smiled at the thought of Perrie. Her blonde hair, he blue eyes. God, she was perfect. Such a beauty. I loved her deeply. After my little fake fling with Holly, I would make Perrie my wife.

Ugh! After Holly & I are done, we will still have a kid. What if Perrie didn't want kids? Oh, what am I even talking about? Perrie loves kids. She would raise mine.

I laid down in bed, & closed my eyes. I fell straight asleep thinking about Perrie.

||holly's pov||

The sunlight crept through my window as the dawn broke out on the horizon. If there was one thing London had, it was beautiful sunrises. Although, it also rained....way to much.

I sat up, & stretched my arms, as I yawned. Ew, morning breath. I quickly got up, changed into some flower printed skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, a pink denim jacket, & some white converse. I ran a brush through my hair, & brushed my teeth. I looked at my reflection in the mirror & smiled. 'Not to bad for a girl' I said to myself.

I made my way downstairs, & saw Zayn in the kitchen, bending over.

"What are you even doing?"

"Huh? Oh, uh. Nothing. Nothing. I was just, uh, looking for something! Yeah. I was looking for something"

"Sure you were" I said laughing. I had an idea of what he was doing. I didn't need him to try & explain to me what exactly it was. I grabbed an apple from a bowl on the counter, & sat down at the bar.

"Holly, do you hate me?"

"What? Uh, no. I guess not. I mean, you aren't my favorite person in the world. But I don't hate your guts. Do you hate me?"

"Not at all! I just thought you hated me. So I figured I should pretend to hate you too."

"Oh. What time does the flight to L.A. leave?" I asked.

''45 minutes from now''

''Okay. I'm going to go get my bag. You should get ready.''

I walked back upstairs, grabbed my suitcase & took a bite of my apple as I pulled my suitcase down the stairs behind me. About 15 minutes later, Zayn came bounding down the stairs & grabbed my luggage from my hands.

''Don't forget to smile'' he said as we walked out of the door, our hands locked together.

I rolled my eyes & followed him out the door, with a hugely fake smile playing on my face.

So many people, so many cameras. So many questions, so much drama.

Did you have a special night, or did you make Zayn wait?

''Yes, we had a very special night.''

What happened to Perrie? Why did your heart change, & you fall for Holly?

Zayn & I both froze at the mention of Perrie's name. I knew he & Perrie were still together. But yeah, that was cool. Good for them. Okay, I was a little jealous of her. But I had a boyfriend too. Yeah, Luke Hemmings. He was amazing.

Zayn's arms being wrapped around me, pulled me back to reality. He gave me a cheeky smile, & winked at me.

''I love Holly more than I ever loved Perrie. My heart melted the first time I met her, & I know her & I will last forever.''

I smiled & kissed his cheek. ''I love you boo bear.'' I said out loud, making everyone awe.

''If you will excuse us, we have a plane to catch.'' Zayn said as he opened the car door for me, & helped me in. Zayn crawled in on the drivers side, & sped off. Most likely, to get away from everyone. Which was fine with me. My face was getting sore from this playful smile I had been carrying.

''You don't say much'' Zayn said about 5 minutes down the road.

''Is there really that much to say?''

''I guess not. If you don't want to talk, fine.''

I rolled my eyes, & looked out the window. Zayn reached over & turned the radio on.

''The story of my life, I take her home. I'd drive all night, to keep her warm & time is frozen.''

''I love this song to be quite honest.'' I blurted out.

Zayn smiled at me. ''Thank you''

I gave him a quick smile. We got to the airport, & were rushed through security. We waved at a few smiling fans, who were excited to be seeing Zayn & I together.

I sighed as I took a seat next to Zayn on the plane.

''Holly, I think we need to talk about some things. There is a lot you don't know about our 'Arranged life'. And we need to find out about each other if we are going to be Married for the next year'' Zayn said as we buckled our seat belts, & prepared for take off.

''Okay, you start''

''I'm going to start by telling you what Management said about us. Within this year, we have to buy a house together, I have to take you on at lease 15 romantic evenings just to show media that I am not ashamed of you being my wife. And...''

Zayn suddenly stopped talking, & swallowed hard.

''And what?''

''And we have to have a baby'' He said quietly.

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