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We both stood still, breathing deeply.

"That was crazy" I said as I started walking towards the door of the hotel room. I took one last deep breath, turning to look at Zayn. His breathing was very intent, his eyes were locked on me.

"Was I the best you've ever had?" I said, mimicking his earlier self-love talk.

"That was like a mini orgasm. Wait, do guys even do that?" he asked walking towards the open door.

"Um, I don't know. You're the dude. Do they? Ew, never mind. I just thought about what I asked. I don't need, or want to know."

"Holly, you will pay for all of that dirty dancing. Trust me, I will get you back"

I laughed as I pushed 'down' on the elevator. We waited in silence until it reached level 3, then we both got on.

"I have a tour in 5 weeks. That should be fun!" I said, trying to make small talk.

"I'm supposed to be on tour right now, but Management's little change, threw a hitch in our plans"

"Well at least when we get back, we can both get away from each other for several weeks. I need to be with Luke, & I'm sure Perrie wants you"

"Yeah, I can't wait to see her. We talked a little last night"

"Zayn, I don't care when you talk to your girlfriend. I would talk to my boyfriend, but my husband wont give me my phone back"

He handed me my phone, & I automatically unlocked it, & texted Luke.

"This is for the girl that get down low. The whole club wanna see you go. Ey, shake, shake like you're famous, girl. Head back, lay it down like a Vegas girl. Bass coming down so hard. That little dress breaking every heart. Ey, shake, shake like you're famous, girl. Head back, lay it down like a Vegas girl.
Like a Vegas girl" my ringer went off. I smiled seeing that it was Luke calling me.

We talked for just a few minutes before I heard something in the background, then Luke saying "Shh"

"What was that?" I asked, concerned about whom or what he was telling to be quiet.

"Luke, seriously, what is that?" I asked again, hearing giggles from not only him, but someone else.

A girl.

Luke was with someone else.

"Who are you with?"

"Don't you dare tell me that you're alone. I can hear a girl in the background"

"Luke, you were always bad at lying. So don't try to lie now. Just tell me who you are with"

It was silent on his end for several long minutes before his voice finally cracked as he spoke the three words. "I'm with Perrie"

"You're with who?" I asked, almost taken aback by his words. I was obviously expecting the first two words, but Perrie was the totally unexpected word.

"Luke, you know what, never mind. Just get off of the phone & leave me alone. I don't ever want to talk to you again. Have a crappy life"

I hit end call, & even though I wanted to throw my phone & smash it into a million little tiny pieces, I shoved it back into my pocket. I looked over at Zayn, & wiped my tears from my eyes. He gave me a sad look, & I rolled my eyes.

"Apparently, I'm not good enough for him"

"Who was he with?"

"Its nothing Zayn. Don't worry about it"

I wasn't going to ruin his relationship. Maybe I didn't love him yet, but still. He didn't deserve to be hurt like that by the one girl he actually loved. How could Perrie do that to him? Me being torn, that was nothing considering I was going to break up with Luke anyway.

But Zayn put his heart in her hands, he loved & trusted her, so him being cheated on wasn't fair.

"Where do you want to eat?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"I saw a diner down the block just a small way. I thought that maybe we'd eat, then go to the little beach store thingy, & find some surfing suits"

"Okay, but do you mean Wet Suits?"

"Wet Suit sounds really wrong when you're a guy. So no, just surfing suit" he replied, laughing. I giggled a few minutes later, just then getting what he meant.

"Did you just get that?"

I nodded, & laughed more when he started laughing with me.

He opened the restaurant door, & let me in, following closely behind me. We sat down at a booth beside a large window that gave us a clear view of the ocean.

"Did you know that I was born here?" I asked him as we waited for someone to take our order.

"So that's why you don't have the English accent. I always wondered why you didn't have the accent even though you had lived in England for 9 years"

"Yeah, that would be why. I'm American by birth, but English by choice" I said giggling. I looked at his smiling face, & once again was reminded of Perrie's betrayal.

"I should text Perrie" he said, grabbing his phone.

"No" I blurted out. "I mean, someone is about to come take our order. So you should wait"

"Waiter" I yelled, & saw a young man in a tight black shirt, & blue jeans walking towards us with a kind smile on his gorgeous face.

I swallowed hard, & looked at Zayn, then back at the waiter. I heard Zayn's familiar laugh, & I looked back at him.

"What?" I whispered quietly.

"You think he's gorgeous, you want to date him. You want to fu-"

"Shut up Zayn" I said, leaning over & covering his mouth with my hand. I felt his tongue on my palm, & immediately removed my hand.

"That's so childish & gross, none the least" I said wiping my hand on a napkin.

"How are you folks doing this lovely morning?" The waiter, Devin, asked.

"We're amazing, you?" Zayn answered, throwing in a flirty grin at Devin.

"I was wonderful, until you started flirting. But for the lady, my God she is beautiful. Would she like anything to drink?" Devin asked, smiling at me.

"Coffee for me please" I said, giving him a cheeky smile.

"Of course, & for you" he said, the smile falling from his face as he turned to Zayn.

"Same for me. And don't flirt with my wife." Zayn said to him. He turned, looking at Zayn, then me, then back at Zayn. He went to say something, but instead, turned & walked to the back to get our drinks.

"Aw, you actually sounded proud to call me your wife" I said, wiping a sarcastic, fake tear.

"I never said I wasn't proud to call you that. But its just so awkward, considering we aren't in love... yet. That reminds me, I need to call Perrie" I sighed, knowing she wouldn't answer. But who was I to stop him from calling the one he loves?

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