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[ Fast forward 8 months]

"I'm going out for a bit" Zayn yelled from downstairs.

"Oh are you? Good, then you can get me some sushi and some dark chocolate while you're out with Perrie"

"Who said anything about Perrie?"

I made my way down the stairs, very slowly, placing a hand on my large stomach.

"Zayn, why else would you put a condom in your jacket pocket?"

A nervous smile crept across his face as he shoved his hands in his pockets. I walked over to him, pulling his left hand out of his pocket, and pulling the small package out of his pocket.

"I might be an asshole, but I'm not an idiot" I whispered in his ear.

He took the packet from my hands and shoved it quickly back into his pocket.

I knew what he was up to. Leaving home early, coming back late. I knew he was with Perrie, and even though it wasn't right of me, I couldn't help but feel like he was cheating on me. I talked to my mum about it after she finally figured out that Zayn and I weren't really in love. She gave me a strange reason as to why I felt that way. She says that after a man and a woman have sex, there is a chemical in the woman's body that gets attached to the man she had intercourse with. It sounded strange, in my opinion. And I'm not really sure that I believed her about it, because, well, I guess that its possible. Its just that I never really felt attached to Zayn.

"Hey Zayn"

"What the hell do you want now?"

"Hey, don't talk to me like that. You respect me. I'm carrying your child, and if you think that its easy, you are badly mistaken"

"Look, I need to go"

"Right. I don't want to be the reason that you're late for your date, for screwing the girl that cheated on you with my boyfriend, and then they had so little self respect, that they answered the phone, while they were f.ucking one another" I spouted out, slapping my hand to my mouth.

The color drained out of his face, and the tears gathered in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Zayn. I shouldn't have said that"

"What?" his voice cracked.

"I swore that I would never tell you."

"Why wouldn't you tell me?"


"Holly, that is not an acceptable answer"

"But its my answer"

"So there is no other reason, at all?" He asked, looking down at the floor, the back up at me with a glint  of hope in his eyes, shining ever so slightly.


I turned, and made my way back up the stairs. There was another reason. But even if I told him, would he even care?

"Holly" I heard Zayn call behind me.

"Yes, Zayn?"

I heard footsteps from behind me, coming up the stairs quickly.

"I wish you'd tell me the truth"

"What do you mean, the truth?"

"I know that there has to be another reason behind why you wouldn't tell me."

"Well, there's not, so I suppose that you'll have to accept that and move on"

He nodded, then walked down the hallway to the guest bedroom, as I closed the door behind me after walking into the bedroom that Zayn and I would typically share.

I leaned against the door, closing my eyes, and releasing a deep breath. I knew that what I had been saying wasn't the total truth, but how could I honestly tell him "well Zayn, I didn't want to tell you because I care too much about you" when I knew that he didn't really care about me.

I turned back around, opening the door and walking towards the guest room where Zayn was hiding out.

I gently tapped on the door.

"C'mon in" Zayn yelled from the other side.

I walked in, and saw him sprawled out on the bed. The lights were all off, and the only light was coming from the setting sun that was hidden by clouds. I stood in the middle of the room, and placed a hand on my large tummy.

"I cared too much" I spoke softly.

He perked up, leaning on his elbows. "What?"

"I cared too much to tell you about it"

A smile appeared on Zayn's face. His features relaxing, and softening at my words.

"I knew there was something else to the story"

I nodded.

He chuckled, then motioned me over to him. He patted the bed beside him, as I crawled as best as I could next to him.

He pulled me closer to him, so that he was holding me as close as he could get me.

"You know that I care too much about you to go screw Perrie, right?" he whispered against my neck.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I wasn't having sex with Perrie, and I wasn't planning on it either."

"So you just carry around condoms for absolutely no reason at all?"

"Not exactly. But I was going out to buy some flowers, make some dinner reservations, and get some sushi and dark chocolate"

"I'm not sure what you're saying, Zayn"

"I'm saying that the only reason that the condom was in my pocket was because after I bought you some flowers, your sushi and dark chocolate, and took you out to dinner, I would bring you back here, lay you down in that bed, and tell you how much you mean to me. But the condom was just in case we got a little to carried away."

I smiled. "Well, if its any consolation at all, love, I don't think that you can get pregnant when you already are" I said smiling.

Zayn sat up, leaning over me. "Really?"

I moved my head just enough to be able to see his facial expression, then I slowly nodded.


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