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I think that in life, we have two choices. Live life like we love it, or live life like we hate it.

I also believe that most kids, teenagers especially, hate their lives for a while. Just like I did, when I was told I was going to get married, then have a baby at 21 years old. The typical age, yes. But I didn't feel like I was ready, at that time.

And yet here I was. Starting a new life, with a beautiful son, and a husband that was trying his best to help me see that there was hope behind the clouds.

I couldn't help but smile as I sat on the couch, watching Zayn in the floor, messing around with Drew. Zayn's smile was the most romantic thing, and I truly loved his smile.

Drew kept giggling, and flinging his hands around as Zayn continued to tickle him, and talk in a high pitched voice, saying random things, such as, "I'm gonna getcha" and "Look baby. Daddy's got your nose".

It was adorable, to say the least.

Drew was now two months old, and just as much fun as the day is long. Being a mother was exhausting, but in the end, it was totally worth it. I felt like I had a closer bond with Zayn, because of our son, and that made me happy.

He and I had now been married for almost 2 years. 2 long years, filled with arguments, and at some points, those arguments would end in him walking out the door, and me crying.

But he always came back, and he always apologized. And that was respectful. Most people don't have the ego to apologize, or even just admit that they were wrong. Even though Zayn could be remarkably egotistical, he was also one of those who would admit when he was wrong. No matter what the circumstances.

My train of thought was broken up by the sound of my cell phone ringing. Zayn looked up at me, still smiling as I stood, and went to get my phone.

Pauls' named flashed across the screen, automatically making my heart drop. There was only one thing that he could possibly be calling about. And I knew that I would not like where this was headed.

"Hey, Paul"

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