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The water felt warm now against my body, opposed to when I first entered it. I could feel the sand beneath my feet, slightly shifting at each passing wave. I smiled at the tingly feeling.

I was suddenly enraged, with a fierce anger that I couldn't control.

Something about being here on my Honeymoon with my hated husband just sparked a nerve in my heart. But my anger turned into tears & sadness.

The sun that was shining so brightly above me, was now sinking beneath dark rain clouds. My head dropped as I turned into a sobbing mess. I couldn't take this anymore. I looked back at the balcony where I no longer saw Zayn, then I spread my arms out & let myself fall backwards into the water.

I didn't even try to float, or swim. I simply let the water wash over me & take me under the current. Maybe I would wake up in Heaven & not have to live this life anymore.

''Holly! Oh my God''

I felt myself start to give into the pressure of the water, letting my lungs fill with water as I sank further & further into the ocean. Finally, I wasn't under the water anymore. Now I was in a much different place. A room.

I saw someone coming towards me. A man. No, this was that boy.

Josh Reynolds, to be precise. My boyfriend from 11th grade who had been killed in that car accident. But he was dead, how could he be here? Never mind. This was Heaven. Everyone I knew was here. I smiled at him, but he only gave me a grim look.

''Holly. What are you doing? You shouldn't be here''

''Why shouldn't I be here?''

''Its not your time yet! Holly, you have a life to live back there. You have to live it''

''Josh, I have no life anymore. Did you not see that I was obviously not wanted by the man I was forced to marry? Did you not see what I was going through?''

''Did you even give Zayn a chance?''

I paused, & lowered my head.


''Give him a shot. You love him like you've never been hurt by him & see what happens. It will all work out. I promise''

I rolled my eyes at him, but he grabbed my arm.

''You have to go back! You don't have much more time.  Go!''

''Holly! Holly! Wake up, damn it'' A familiar voice boomed.

I felt my strength start to come back to me, then I felt someone's lips on mine.

''Holly, wake up for God's sake'' The voice boomed again. My eyes fluttered open, & I started coughing & spitting up water.

''Thank God you're alive Holly! What were you thinking?''

I looked Zayn in the eyes, & remembered what Josh had said. 

Give Zayn a chance.

I was almost tempted to let go & move on from him already. But something made me hold on, & I decided to give Zayn love & hope to receive the same thing in return.

''You are so stupid. Why would you do that?'' Zayn asked, now furious. I laid in the damp sand, breathing heavily, looking up at him.

''I am stupid. I don't know what I was thinking, but you should know that you are the only reason I came back"

I looked into his chocolate eyes, almost getting lost in them. I had never taken the time to admire them before. But now I was glad that I had. I looked from his eyes to his lips several times before finally propping myself up on my elbow & pulling Zayn down to me by grabbing the back of his neck.

It took everything inside of me to actually want to kiss him, but I gently pressed my lips to his. Surprisingly enough, he kissed back automatically. Our kiss turned into multiple kisses, each one being more passionate than the last.

Soon, he climbed on top of me. He slid his hands down my sides, but I soon stopped him.

''Not here, not in this public place. Should we even do it?''

''Well, I think its a good place to start. I don't want to hate you, I want to know you better & frankly, I want to love you. We'll have to work on it, but I'm okay with that''

I smiled & nodded at him. He gave me a cheeky smile, then picked me up. He carried me back as fast as he could to the Hotel. He closed the door behind us, & laid me on the bed.

''I don't think we should do this. You did just almost drown''

''Zayn, don't wait. Don't make me wait. I'm fine, & I'm ready''

He smiled at me & climbed on top of me. He kissed my lips again, only this time I decided to turn up the heat just enough to drive him crazy.

I bit his bottom lip, & the only sound I heard was his moan. I smiled at my accomplishment. But as I learned, Zayn believed in payback. He slipped his hand down my sides, & rubbed them up & down my thighs, making goose bumps rise on my skin. 

He likes roughness? Two can play at this game.

''Zayn, get off of me for a minute'' I whispered into his ear. He kissed my neck one more time, before climbing off of me. We both stood, then I laid him back on the bed, as I straddled him. He put his hands on my thighs & started rubbing small circular patterns on my skin. I traced my hand up & down his abdomen, as I leaned down & kissed his soft, plump lips.

His thumbs rubbed harder on my thighs, before I finally realized that we were grinding on each other, searching for some kind of friction.


''What Zayn?''

''I can't take it anymore''

I smiled at his words, & leaned down to his ear.

''What are you waiting for?'' 

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