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I woke up, wrapped in sheets with the bright sunlight streaming through the balcony doors. I turned on my side, expecting to see Zayn. But only seeing his pillow, & some messed up sheets. I was almost relieved. I mean, he was a weirdo. He wasn't totally bad, but I didn't love him. Yet, girl. You didnt love him yet.

I sighed as I stood up, wrapping sheets around me. Maybe it won't actually be longer than a year that he & I have to keep this act up. Oh, wait, nope. If we have to make a family, then they'll keep us together for several years.

I started counting on my fingers all of the years I might have to  sleep in the same bed as Zayn.

"Holly! Holy shit!"

Zayn yelled, stepping out of the bathroom fully exposed.

"I thought you were still asleep, damn it!" he said, wrapping a towel around his waist.

"Well you shouldn't be running around naked Zayn!"

"You are my wife, you just had sex with me and so my sexy nakedness shouldn't bother you- by the way, was I good?"

I rolled my eyes at his self-centered-ness.

He smiled widely. "Was I the best you have ever had?" He said casually smirking & rubbing circles with his finger on the coffee table, after wrapping a towel around him.

"Oh Zayn, you were the absolute best that I've ever had! You were the only one that I've ever had"

"Seriously? You have never had sex before me?"

"No, I tried to stay clean for my husband. I know you haven't because you are the biggest player in Bradford. But since you are my, quote un-quote, husband, & we're having a baby together, I figured might as well get the first time out of the way. Besides, I'm trying to love you, so you putting forth the effort too would be nice"

"Right. So I was really, really good?"

"Zayn, oh my God. Get over yourself!" I screamed, throwing clothes at him.

"Go get dressed Mr. self-obsessed"

"So babe, what will we do today?" he asked, pulling his shirt over his head.

"Why don't you do something, & I will do something"

"Ha! Absolutely not. The last time I let you alone, you tried some kind of stupid death sentence"

I scratched my head, & raised my eyebrows. "Yeah, well, I kind of had a death wish. But what do you propose  that we do today. Speaking of propose, that's another thing I never got to experience"

"Well, its too late for a proposal  now, we're already happily married apparently. We have to do something romantic. How about we go get breakfast, then maybe surfing? If you promise not to try & drown yourself while we're at it"

"Zayn, bring that up one more time & see who gets drowned" I snapped back at him.

His eyes widened & he opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I slipped around him & into the bathroom with a black crop top, & some denim shorts with golden studs on them.

I walked out of the bathroom, grabbing my toiletries bag, & walking back in promptly.

I ran my brush through my hair, then ran my fingers through it, giving it some kind of laid back style. I put on some eye shadow, & some light pink lipstick. I slipped my white Vans on, & fixed my ankle bracelet. I walked out of the bathroom, & looked at a fully dressed Zayn, dancing around the room, listening to some sort of music.

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