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||holly's pov||

"This isn't fair! How could they make me marry someone that I don't even love'' I screamed, with tears swelling in my eyes, as Tiana placed my veil on my head. She wiped my tears, & smiled at me.

''Honey, its only for a year. You'll probably wind up loving him in the end anyways''

''Don't count on it.'' I said as the Church doors opened, & I saw my Bridesmaid's & my best friend, Kiara, waiting for me at the end of the isle.

I looked at Zayn standing by the Pastor at the front, with a fake smile plastered on his face.

He doesn't love me anymore than I love him. I met Zayn 2 days ago, when management told us that we were going to get married. Only because he & I had the worst luck with love. But that wasn't okay for our reputations.

They told us that our story was that Zayn & I had been secretly dating for several years, & we finally decided to 'Tie The Knot'. But, ironically, I knew nothing about him. Other than he was in a band, with 4 other people. That was it. And now, I get to spend my life with someone I never even dated.

We reached the front of the large Church & Zayn looked towards me. Still wearing his phony smile. I felt the lump in my throat start to grow as the pastor talked. I zoned out, knowing his words meant nothing to Zayn, nor I.

Zayn grabbed my hands, & trying to make this as real as possible, I grabbed his & smiled at him. He rubbed my hands with his thumbs as he said his vows.

''You are the love of my life. I promise you'll have my heart from now, until we both must part. I love you more than my own life, & I will do anything for you'' He said.

I felt tears start to stream down my cheeks. Not because I was happy, but because I knew that he & I weren't meant to be. And my vows were probably the biggest lie I had ever told.

''Zayn Javaad Malik. I almost don't know what to say to the person who has held my heart for years. You are my one & only. I love you from here, to the moon, & back. But I'd go further if you asked me to. You are the forever more, keeper of my heart. And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life, showing you how much I love you.''

The family & friends all awed, & I smiled the best I could at Zayn.

I placed the silver band on his finger, & he slipped the small silver band on to my finger, attaching it to the engagement ring that my manager, Ryan, had given me to make Zayn & I's engagement look real.

'"I now pronounce you Mr. & Mrs. Zayn Javaad Malik. Zayn, you may kiss your Bride.'' The pastor said, a bright smile gleaming on his face.

Zayn & I both leaned towards each other, & slightly locked our lips. As if to seal our vows with a kiss. You know, like a normal wedding. But there was nothing in the kiss. No real love, or passion. Simply a forced, & fake love. That surely wouldn't last more than a few months.

But Holly, what if you gave him a chance, and you realized that you love him? My concience played back to me. Ha! Like that was ever going to happen.

We looked at our large crowd of guests, all of whom were mesmerized & fooled by the fake reality of the  kiss & wedding in its self.  We held hands as we walked back down the isle.

The restaurant that was beautifully decorated with red roses, & white tablecloths, diamond chandeliers decorated the ceilings. It did look pretty, but it would've been much prettier if it would've been real.

"Good play.'' He said into my ear.

''Same to you.'' I said back at him.

''Holly! You look wonderful. And that was the most amazing wedding I've ever been to!'' Louis, one of Zayn's band mates said, hugging me.

I'm pretty sure Zayn hadn't told any of them. No one knew that Zayn & I were only pretending. Well, except for Liam. He was the only one that knew the whole truth because management talked him into telling Zayn what was going to happen.

We sat down at our assigned seats, with family members surrounding us on all sides. But it was loud enough, no one could hear Zayn & I talking.

''This is possibly the worst day of my life." I said as I poked at my salad.

''Yours' & mine both. But management should be happy. They made two more people miserable. But at least its only for a year.''

''Zayn, lets be real. After this year, they'll say only one more year. And after that year it'll be another year. So we have pretty much kissed our futures goodbye.''

''Holly, let's think positive. After all, this is our wedding day. I've heard wedding nights are pretty special.''

I shot him a dirty look, & he smirked at me.

''You can get those dirty thoughts out of your dirty little mind because I will not make your wedding night special. If the wedding day is fake, then so is the wedding night.''

I said getting up with my glass, & walking over to my brother. He hugged me, & we talked a little. But soon, Zayn walked up beside me & put his arm around my waist.

''You two are such a perfect match'' Kiara said smiling at us. I smiled, & thanked her.

I walked over to the bar & ordered a drink.

''You're the Bride, & you're trying to get drunk?'' The bartender asked.

''You have no idea how long this day is going to be.'' I said taking my drink from his hand & drinking it as fast as possible.

''Baby, its time for the dance.'' Harry said, walking up behind me.

''Coming Harry'' I said, with as much cheer in my voice, as I could muster up.

We walked to the hardwood floor, & I rested my head on his chest as we swayed back & forth to the soft music. Shortly after, Harry let me go & let Zayn cut in.

I put my arms around his neck, & he placed his hands on the smalls of my back as we danced.

"Let's hear it for the Mr. & his Mrs.!'' A man said over the speaker in the restaurant. Zayn & I smiled at each other.

About an hour later, Zayn & I ran out of the restaurant, & he helped me into a car that was waiting to take us to our 'Honeymoon Sweet' in London. Which also doubled as the house that we were rushed to buy...yesterday.

I smiled & waved until we were far enough down the road, that I could simply be sad again.

''What about the Honeymoon?'' Zayn asked.

''I don't know. You're the man. You're supposed to make those decisions.''

''Really Holly? You really have to be rude?''

''Yes Zayn! I am mad, no, no, no, I am furious! I don't love you! So a Honeymoon is absurd to me. But we both know that if we don't go on one, people will ask why. And they know good & well that we had the time. God, I hate management.''

''Then let's go to California.''

''Whatever. I don't really care.''

And that was the truth. I didn't care anymore. How could I? Management made all of my decisions now. And now, I get to pretend to be happily married to a man that I hardly know.

||zayn's pov||

She didn't love me, anymore than I loved her. This wasn't my choice at all. I loved Perrie. But apparently, Perrie isn't my future. Don't get me wrong, Holly is beautiful. But I don't know her! All I know is that she won The X-Factor at age 15, & her career has bloomed since then. She pretty much has it all.

How she didn't have a lover was beyond me. But, now I had to be that fake lover of hers. Fair? I think not. 

But its what Holly didn't know about me, or about what I had been told that would hurt her the most. 

Paul told me, that after a few months, we better be pregnant. And we better convince him that she & I were in love. How we would do that? I have no idea. 

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