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(two weeks later)

I smiled, picking up our son out of his crib.

After his birth, it took us about three hours before agreeing on a name. Which was Drew Taylor  Malik. Drew, because Zayn liked the name, and Taylor because it was my middle name. And looking at our son, I knew that it fit him perfectly.

"Hey baby" I whispered, carrying him down the hall, and towards Zayn and I's bedroom. I opened the door, and sat down on our bed, throwing Drew's burping towel over my shoulder.

Breast feeding was one of the strangest feelings. It was weird, but the nutrients were much needed for him.

Zayn walked into the room as I fed Drew, looking down at our son with a smile plastered to his face. I could never figure out if he was happy to see our son, or my breast. Either way, he was happy. And that was a beautiful thing.

"Hi, love" he whispered, taking a seat next to me on the bed, and placing a hand on Drew's head.

"He is so cute" I whispered to Zayn, caressing our sons cheek with my thumb.

"Yes ma'am. He surely is"

"He just looks so much like you. Its not fair. I gave birth to him, he ought to look like me" I whined, playfully.

"Well, I am the one that gave you the semen" he said, sophisticated like.

"You know they call that cum now, right?" I asked, looking at him.

"Yeah, I'm not totally stupid" he whispered, kissing me.

"Nobody said that you were, darling"

"God, you're pretty" he said, kissing me again.

"Zayn, dude, I'm kind of busy" I kissed him again.

"Hasn't the kid eaten enough? I mean, we don't want him being overweight"

I started laughing. "You think you're going to get some, don't ya?" I asked, still giggling.

He shrugged. "Well, I mean, we could" he stated, tracing patterns on my neck, and exposed breast.

"Zayn, do you have any idea how painful it is, to have your...area stretched 9 inches, then pushing a baby out of you?"

He shook his head.

"Well let me tell you son, it hurts like fucking hell. And believe you me, brother, you would not want someone all over you when you are still in dire pain. So give me about a week or two, then we'll think about it. But right now, its a hell no from me"

He sighed deeply. "I'd be gentle, and everything"

"Zayn, baby, thank you for caring. But I really cant, right now"

He smiled.

"Alright. You get better, then we'll be gentle, and everything"

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