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"Zayn" I yelled, running inside of our $1.5 million dollar mansion, in London, England.

I had just returned from the Doctors office, and had the news of Zayn and I's pregnancy to share with him. I knew he would be just as excited as I.

"Zayn, if you expect to know what sex our baby is, you ought to get your tan ass down here"

I heard a thud, then a door opened, and Zayn came bounding down the stairs, a smile on his face.

"Hey" I casually said, smiling at him.

"Oh, don't mess with me. You know what I am dying to hear from your lips. Is it a lad, or a lass?"

"Zayn, you'll be the father of a beautiful baby boy"

Zayn stood in awe for a moment, before coming to and smiling, from ear to ear. He lifted me, and spun around.

"Zayn, I'm pregnant. You're not supposed to spin a pregnant lady" I said as he set me down, and I covered my mouth.

"Are you alright?" he asked, truly concerned about my well-being.

I nodded, then smiled at him. "I'm going to be a mother, Zayn"

His smile appeared again, and there was a slight sparkle in his eye. Something I had never noticed before. He was happy, truly, truly happy. And I had been so lucky as to be the one to make him this genuinely happy.

I was suddenly brought back to reality as Zayn gently pressed his soft, minty lips to mine. He pulled away, apologizing to me.

I shook my head. "For what, darling?"

"That was wrong of me. I shouldn't have kissed you."

I furrowed my brow. "We've kissed multiple times, Zayn. What's the difference now?"

He paused, the let out a deep breath. "I'm seeing someone, you see, and she knows about this whole set up between you and I, but she is totally cool with it."

I looked at the floor, then back at Zayn with tears gathering in my eyes. "What is her name?"

He paused, yet again, before saying "Its Perrie"

I gasped. "After what hell she has already put you through?"

"Oh please, Holly. I love her, and when its love you don't care what has happened, you only take time to care about what will happen. And when I think about Perrie, God, I just get so happy, ya know?" He said as a smile filled his face.

I bit the inside of my cheek, and nodded slowly. "Whatever makes you happiest, Zayn"

I started up the stairs, walking slowly. "Fine. But I'm here to tell you that Mrs. Perrie Edward's will not lay a single finger on our son."

"You can't forbid her from that"

"Excuse me, Sir, but I think I just did." I said as I reached the top of the stairs. I turned just as Zayn started up.

"I think that after our divorce is final, it will be hard enough for you to even gain shared custody of our little guy. But honest to God - you marry Perrie, or even if she just moves in with you, or you with her, you will never see your son. I swear to you, I will file for total custody of him, and you can kiss every wish you ever made for our son, goodbye. I will make sure that this "girl" never meets my son."

Zayn chuckled as he reached the top of the steps, and inched his way closer to me until he was standing a few inches away.

"You can't do that. I will fight you, little girl"

I raised an eyebrow at him, and smirked. "Zayn, as if the courts will give custody to you! You have a rap sheet a mile long. For drugs, reckless driving, obstruction of justice, and much more. I, however, don't even have a speeding ticket. Consider the facts, Zayn. There is no way that you will win. No way in hell"

"You say that as though you've never shot up."

I laughed, and rolled my eyes, as I walked into my room, and closed the door.

I had only enough time to sit down on my bed before my bedroom door opened, and Zayn walked in, wearing a smug, devious smile. He threw his shirt into the corner of the room as he walked towards me.

He then put his hands on my shoulders, laying me back as he crawled on top of me.

He stared deeply into my eyes while supporting himself with his hands. His smirk had disappeared, and all that was left was sexual tension, so thick, you couldn't cut it with a knife. 

He kissed my lips roughly, then leaned down, close to my ear.

"I know about Santa Monica" he whispered, seductively.

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