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I walked into the Modest! Management Co. around ten thirty, about a week after getting the call. I swore to Zayn, Drew, and myself, that we would be a family. Forever.

"Holly, darling. Its absolutely divine to see you" Emile, my co-producer spoke.

She often reminded me of Cruella DeVille, the way she dressed and spoke. Which made me shiver. That lady had issues, and serious ones at that.

"Hey Emile. Where's Gracie?"

"Her office, darling"

"Emile. Stop with the darling thing. Its annoying as hell" I said, stepping into Gracies'  office.

"You have come to retrieve divorce papers, have you not?" she asked, not looking up from her papers. Her glasses were on the bridge of her nose, her bracelets clanking against her wooden desk as she continuously scribbled notes and such onto a notepad.

"Actually, no. I've come to tell you that there will be no divorce" I spoke, confidence in my voice as I sat down in one of her chairs.

She perked up, staring at me intently. "Yes, you will be. Here are the papers, so sign the bottom, and have Zayn sign, as well"

She handed me a stack of papers, and pointed at the several blank spaces, in need of our signatures.

"With all due respect, I don't think you're being very fair"

"Life isn't fair, honey. And Karma is a bitch"

"Oh, then I'm assuming that your name is Karma?"

She looked up, giving me an evil glare. "Sign the papers, now"

"No. I will not. I have a family, that needs to stay together"

"You will sign them at some point. You'll have to"

"Gracie, have you ever fallen in love?"

"Yes. And he got me pregnant, then broke my heart and left. Believe me, its not all that its cracked up to be"

"Ma'am, I think you're wrong. I think that when its love, there is nothing that can break that bond"

"Whatever floats your boat. But you do still have to sign the papers. Your job is depending on your signature, Mrs. Peterson"

"Its Mrs. Malik, by the way. And I dont care what the conditions are. I would risk my life to keep my family together. I've put to much love and effort into this to just give up now. So if it costs' me my job, so be it"

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