~ Chapter 8 ~

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Nihyo's POV
Before I drifted off to sleep, the door to my room opened.

Bobby's POV

Why did I do that?! Aish! I feel soooo bad. Maybe I should check on her. Wait. What am I saying? She was about to hit your girlfriend. You love your girlfriend. But... I could see it wasn't her fault.... I'll just peek really quick.

I tiptoed over to her door and stopped right before I put my hand on the handle. Hesitantly, I creaked open the door. Looks like she's sleeping.

I walked over to her bedside and sat against the wall.

Bobby - Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Why do I act so cruel towards her? Hey, Nihyo-ah, I'm sorry. I saw what happened earlier. I knew you didn't slap her. She slapped you. I-I I just had to act that way. If I defended you, Seung would've done something even worse to you. For some reason, I can't let that happen. *ruffles hair* What are you doing to me?

Nihyo - *snores*

Bobby- Heh. I'm glad you can't hear me right now.

Bobby gets up slowly and examines Nihyo's arms and face.

Did I really do this to you?

Bobby reaches out to touch her bruised cheek. His finger slightly brushes against her face and she begins to wake up.

Nihyo - H-hello? Mrs. Kim? *rubs eyes*

Bobby freaks out and starts running around the room looking for a place to hide. Where do I hide! Where do I hide!

Nihyo slowly starts to open her eyes and Bobby drops down to the floor, rolling under the bed.

Just stay calm and keep quiet. I'll sneak back out when she falls asleep. Whew. No worries.

Nihyo - Hello? Anyone here? Hmm. I thought I heard something. What time is it? -11:06- *Yawn*

Nihyo gets up from her bed and walks over to the bathroom.

Bobby looks out and tries to run for it but Nihyo comes out and he rolls back under.

Nihyo - I should go back to sleep.

Bobby - Whew. Okay. After she falls asleep I'll go. *thump* Owww! Sh*t!

Nihyo- Huh?! What was that?!

Bobby - No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

Nihyo - I-I think that was under the bed. Should I check?

Bobby - Please don't look. Please don't look.

Nihyo bends down and slowly lifts up the bottom of the blanket.

Nihyo and Bobby - AHHHHH!!

Nihyo - Bobby?! What are you doing in here?!

Bobby - I-I ummmm u-uhh...

Bobby pulls Nihyo close to him and hugs her tightly.

Nihyo - B-Bobby, are you okay?

Bobby- I'm sorry.

Nihyo - For wha-

Bobby quickly pecks Nihyo on her bruised cheek and sprints out of her room into his and locks his door.

Nihyo stands there in shock with her mouth agape.


Next Morning: Bobby's POV

I haven't been able to sleep as much last night. I'm still remembering what happened. I kissed her on her cheek. I hope she doesn't think much about it. Who am I kidding? She's probably driving herself insane trying to figure out why I did that! Why did I do that?! Just pretend it's a normal day. Nothing's happened. Just a regular morning with me and Nihyo about to walk to school together. Wait. WE'RE WALKING TO SCHOOL TOGETHER. What should I say? Awkward silence. I hate that. Damn it!

Nihyo's POV

*Yawn* Good morning Mr. Sun. What do you think will happen today?

I thought back to last night when Bobby kissed me on my cheek. It's kinda weird, but my bruise feels a lot better now. That creeps me out. It'll be fine. I'll just avoid him. It's not like we talked before anyway.

Mrs. Kim - Oh darling! You're up! Come. Come. I made waffles.

Nihyo - Oh. Thank you Mrs. Kim but I think I'll just head out already. I'm not that hungry today.

Mrs. Kim - Are you sure? I made them extra special for you.

Nihyo - Yeah I'm sure. Thank you, though.

Mrs. Kim - Awww alright. One second sweetie., Bobby's coming with you!

Nihyo - I-I u-uhh o-okay.

Bobby walks over to the door and they make eye contact. They both look away as soon as they could.

Nihyo walks out first and Bobby follows after. They walk to school together in silence.

Bobby - This is awkward. What should I say? How do I explain what happened?

Nihyo - Whew. This is not so bad. It feels normal to me.

They arrive at school and Nihyo sees Baekhyun and Lay waiting for her by the gates.

Baekhyun - Nihyo! Pali!

Bobby - She hangs out with exo?

Nihyo - Coming!

Nihyo runs over to Baekhyun and Lay, Bobby watching from behind.

Seung - Bobby! Baby, over here!

Bobby looks over to Nihyo one more time then runs over to Seung.

Bobby - Hey.

Seung - Is something wrong? Did she do anything to you? Just say the word Bobby and I'll make sure she never goes near you again.

Bobby - No! No. She didn't do anything. I'm just tired.

Seung - Hmmm... Okay then.

Bobby - Let's go to class.


Nihyo's POV

Baekhyun - So did you do anything yesterday?

Nihyo - Did I do something? Hmmm... *flashback* Bobby quickly pecks Nihyo on her bruised cheek and sprints out of her room into his and locks his door. *end of flashback*

Nihyo - *gasp*

Lay - What's wrong?

Nihyo - N-nothing.

What's happening to me?

Author's Note
Hi guys! I'm sorry I haven't been updating. I get really lazy quick so I'm sooo very sorry for being selfish. I wanna try to update sooner. By the way, we got 500 reads a while ago! I'm so happy! I haven't checked and I was so surprised to see how many people there were that have read this! We're actually up to 600 now so thank you so much! I love you guys. Mwuah. Mwuah. Pleas continue to support my story, thanks again and goodnight! :3

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