~ Chapter 2 ~

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Nihyo's POV

I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I wake up and look at the time. 7:47 A.M.

I decided to go downstairs to eat before I start packing.

Walking downstairs theirs another note that reads ~Honey we went to our friend's house, the one's your staying with to go over what's gonna happen today and how it's planned. On the table is some pancakes I made. Their probably still warm so, eat well and start packing I love you. ~Mom

I smile, but also tear up because knowing my parents are leaving in a short amount of time.

I eat the pancakes well and head up stairs to start packing. I play the radio so I can listen to music while packing.

After about 2 hours I finished packing. Looking at the time it was around 11 A.M.

I decided to go out and get some bubble tea. I write my mom a note,just in case she comes back when im not home, saying I went out and will be back home in about 30 minutes.

Author's POV

Nihyo went to the nearest cafe, but was stopped in her tracks seeing the person who bumped into her yesterday, so rudely.

She decided to confront him by yelling "Yah! You over there! You're the one who bumped into me yesterday! Can you actually apologize?!"

The guy stopped and stared,but then coldly said "It was your fault you couldn't watch where your going."

After that statement, he walked away. Nihyo left angry just cursed under her breath and went to the cafe to get her bubble tea.

The women asked "Annyeonghaseyo hello,What would you like to have?"

She responded"Green tea,please and thank you."

She replied "That'll be $3.50."

Nihyo handed her the money and went to sit down, to wait for her bubble tea.

After about 5 minutes the lady called her order. Nihyo got up and went to get her order. The waitress says "Here is your bubble tea. Please come again."

"Thank you." was all she said. Nihyo went out and started walking back to her house.

Once she unlocked the door, she was welcomed to an empty home. She thought, Guess they didn't come back home yet.

She just walked up stairs and listen to music. After about 15 minutes she fell asleep.

(2 Hours later)

Nihyo woke up, by being violently being shook by here Mom.

Here mom yelled "Wake up! Get ready! Were going to eat out for lunch with the Kim family!"

Nihyo's eyes shot open and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower.

After her shower she yelled "WHAT KIND OF LUNCH ARE WE DOING FANCY,CASUAL, OR WHAT?!?"


She groans having to wear a dress and heels. She's more of a casual girl.

She wears a knee high, white dress, with black heels.

Nihyo takes the challenge and walks down the stairs with heels.

"Were just about t- Oh my goodness! You look beautiful! Oh but were almost late so lets get going." Mom says.

They drive there and walk into the restaurant.

They walk closer to the table and Nihyo puts her head down.

But the first thing she heard was a familiar voice "IT'S YOU?!?"

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