~ Chapter 18 ~

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Nihyo's POV

I don't wanna get up today..... Oh, yeah. He said to come back. Ughhhhh.....

Nihyo walks out of her room, hair messed up and still in pajamas. She walks downstairs to get some breakfast. As she walks down the stairs, Bobby notices her appearance, dropping his jaw.

Nihyo continues to the fridge without acknowledging Bobby sitting there.

Bobby - Nihyo?

Nihyo grabs the milk from the fridge and chugs some of it down.

Bobby - Nihyo are you okay?

She goes into the cupboard and grabs a cereal box, walking back up to her room while eating out of the box.

Bobby - Should I go check on her......Hmmm..... Naah.

Nihyo puts down the cereal box on her dresser and goes into the closet to get ready for the police station. She grabs the first hoodie she sees and some joggers, then goes into the bathroom to put her hair in a ponytail.

Nihyo - Peeerfeeect

She walks back downstairs almost out the door but Bobby stops her.

Bobby - Where are you going now?

Nihyo - Why do you wanna know?

Bobby - Because you haven't really been yourself lately.


Nihyo runs out the front door and slams it shut.

Bobby stands there in shock, heart-broken and hurt.


At the police station ~ Nihyo's POV

Police man - Welcome back. Please follow me.

Nihyo - Okay.

Police man - In here. There will be some questions that might make you uncomfortable, please make note of that.

Nihyo - W-What?

Police man - Sir! She's here!

Detective - Bring her in.

Police man - Yes sir.

The police man guides Nihyo to a seat in front of the detective. She sits willingly and stays quiet.

Detective - You can leave now, Paul.

The police man walks out and closes the door.

Detective - So, Nihyo. Or should I call you Ae Ni?

Nihyo - Please call me Nihyo for now.

Detective - Okay. Fair. Now, tell me. Who are your parents?

Nihyo - Which ones?

Detective - What do you mean?

Nihyo - My real parents or my fake parents?

Detective - Both.

Nihyo - Fake parents are Yoon Sora and Yoon Jong In. My real parents are Park Aelin and Park Joong Chan. I don't remember them well.

Detective - You don't remember?

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