~ Chapter 16 ~

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Nihyo's POV

Nihyo - Hey, what do you wanna do?

Yeoni - Hmm I don't know. Wanna get a smoothie before we go home?

Nihyo - Defintely.

Yeoni - Haha well let's go.


At the cafe

Nihyo - I'll order. What do you want?

Yeoni - Umm Green tea smoothie.

Nihyo - Really?

Yeoni - Yeah. Why?

Nihyo - Nothing it's just that's my favorite too.

Yeoni - O-Oh hehe. I-Interesting.

Nihyo - Two Green tea smoothies.

Cashier - $6.13 ma'am

Nihyo - Here.

Cashier - annnnd here you go. Two green tea smoothies.

Nihyo - Thank you!

Cashier - You're welcome.

Nihyo and Yeoni sit down at a table and here shouting from across the room.


Yeoni - Woah. That's a lot of obnoxious guys.

Nihyo - Those aren't obnoxious guys..... Those are my friends! Guys, over here!

Yeoni - W-What?! Wait Nihyo I'm not ready to meet your fr--

Nihyo - Guys! How's it been?

D.O - It's only been a few hours since school was over.

Nihyo - Oh. Yeah. Well hey this is my new friend Yeoni.

Yeoni - Uhh hi. Park Yeoni.

Nihyo - That's D.O, Baekhyun, Lay, Chen, Luhan, Sehun,and Chanyeol. There's a couple more but I guess they're busy.

Exo - Hi.

Nihyo - Hey Sehun. Why so quiet over there?

Sehun - W-What?! H-Huh? O-Oh. Umm nothing just drinking a smoothie...........

Nihyo looks over at Baekhyun and sees him staring intently at Yeoni.

Nihyo - Baek, stop staring. You're scaring her.

Baekhyun - Hey Yeoni

Yeoni - Y-Yes?

Baekhyun - Did you know you and Nihyo look very similar? Almost like si-

Yeoni - What?! No we don't! That's impossible!

Nihyo - Oooookaaaaay. Well this was fun but we gotta go home. Come on Yeoni.

Nihyo grabs Yeoni and pulls her out of the cafe.

Yeoni - Didn't you wanna spend time with your friends?

Nihyo - Nah. We can do that some other day. Plus I could tell you were uncomfortable.

Yeoni - Whew. Thanks. I thought I'd have to hide it.

Nihyo - Haha no. It was obvious.

Yeoni - Really?!

Nihyo - Yes.

Yeoni - T^T

Nihyo - Well what do you wanna do now?

Yeoni - I have no idea.

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