~ Chapter 13 ~

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Nihyo's POV

Walking to school, as usual, Nihyo was pelted with objects and insults. She finally makes it to her first period without any fangirls spotting her. Putting her earphones on, she drowns out the noise around her.

Teacher - Class! Today we have a new student.

Boy - Is it a girl? Is she hot?

Girl - Why can't it be a cute foreign exchange student? Pleeeeeaaasse!

Teacher - Well it is a girl.

Girls - Awww

Boys - Yes! Whoo!

Teacher - Alright settle down now. Miss, you can come in.

A petite, shy girl walks in with her head face down.

Teacher - Please introduce yourself.

Park Yeoni - Hi. I'm Park Yeoni. Please take care of me.

Classmate - Woah she's kinda cute.

Classmate - H-Hey, doesn't she kinda look like Nihyo?

Classmate - Ya know you're right. They could be sisters.

Classmate - I don't see it.

Everyone starts to talk about the new girl and Nihyo.

Nihyo takes out her earphones and sees a girl at the front of the room.

Who is she? She looks like..... Ow!

Nihyo's head begins to throb and she feels light-headed. She sees white and before fainting, a memory of a girl appears in her head.

Baekhyun hears a loud drop and looks away from the new kid.

Baekhyun - Hey Nihyo, don't you think she looks li-- NIHYO?!

Baekhyun rushes to Nihyo's side and lays her head on his lap. All eyes turn to the back of the room.

Classmate - What happened?

Classmate - She just randomly fainted. Weird.

Baekhyun - Nihyo? You okay?

Baekhyun slaps her cheek a little trying to wake her up. Failing, he lifts her up off the floor onto his back, running out of class.

Teacher - Uhhhh..... Let's continue with the lesson.


Baekhyun's POV

What happened? I just look over and she's on the floor, passed out. Whew, I hope she wakes up soon. I'll text Lay.

Text messages:

Baekhyun - Lay

Lay - What is it? I'm in class. And you should be too. Why are you texting me?

Baekhyun - Oh well I'm sorry. I just thought maybe you'd like to know your future girlfriend fainted and is in the nurses office.

Lay - ......

Baekhyun - Lay? Hello?

Lay comes bursting through the door in panic.


Baekhyun - Calm down! She's right there!

Lay - Whew. What happened?

Baekhyun - I don't know. A new girl came in the class and I looked over to talk to her about it and she was on the floor unconscious.

Lay - She's probably tired from all the stress at school. I don't think she slept last night.

Baekhyun - She was fine this morning though. Other than the fact that people threw things at her when she walked in.

Lay - Just let her sleep.


Nihyo's POV

Where am I?

Nihyo opens her eyes to a white room.

A girl that looks about the same age walks up to her.

???- Hi.

Nihyo - Umm hi. Who are you?

??? - I'm someone very important to you.

Nihyo - Really? That doesn't answer my question still. What's your name?

??? - You'll know soon enough.

The mysterious girl begins to walk away.

Nihyo - Wait! Who are you! Hey!

Nihyo chases after her but she gets further away.


Nihyo's POV

Nihyo - Ahh!

Nihyo wakes up from her dream, breathing heavily.

Lay and Baekhyun - Nihyo!

Baekhyun - You're awake!

Lay - Are you okay?

Nihyo - Y-Yeah I'm fine. J-Just..... nothing.

Lay - Do you think you can go back to class?

Nihyo - Yeah. I'm okay.

Baekhyun - Actually it's lunch now.

Nihyo - Oh well let's go.

Lay supports Nihyo and helps her up.

Nihyo - Thank you.

Lay - No problem.

Baekhyun - Awww you guys!

Lay and Nihyo - What?

Baekhyun wraps his arms around both of them.

Baekhyun - Hehe. Let's just go to lunch.

On the way to the cafeteria, all Nihyo could think about was her dream.

Who was she?

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