~ Chapter 11 ~

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Nihyo's POV


Nihyo - *yawn* Gooooooood Mooooooorning

Nihyo stretches and cracks her back and neck. She stumbles out of bed and heads into the bathroom to wash up for school.

Walking down the stairs, she brushes her hair to the side.

Mrs. Kim - Nihyo! Come eat!

Nihyo - Oh umm I was just gonna head to school but thank you anyway.

Mrs. Kim - No. No. No. No. No. You are going to eat this time. Look how thin you've gotten? You've probably been stressing out over school. Come, come. You must eat.

Nihyo - B-b-but..

Mrs. Kim - Is there a reason why you won't eat my food? Am I a horrible cook? Am I horrible hostess?
*fake sobs*

Nihyo - No! I'll eat! I'll eat!

Mrs. Kim - Okay! Well here, sit. I already made a place for you.

Nice acting Mrs. K.

While eating in silence, Bobby walks down the stairs.

Mrs. Kim - Oh, Bobby! Come eat, too.

Nihyo and Bobby make eye contact then quickly look away.

Bobby - I-I u-uhh. Sorry mom. I'll be going now.


Bobby dashes to the table and sits down, dropping his backpack.

Mrs. Kim - Okay! We're all together!

Nihyo speeds up and finishes her breakfast.

Nihyo - Thank you Mrs. Kim, it was delicious. Go to go now! Bye!

Bobby - Yeah mom. I have to go, too.

Mrs. Kim - Did something happen between you two? Did you fight again?

Bobby and Nihyo - What? No.

They look at each other then back at Mrs. Kim.

Mrs. Kim - oh, okay. Well you head on out to school.

Nihyo sprints out the door and all the way to school.

Bobby - Bye mom.

Mrs. Kim - Bye sweetie!

Bobby exits.

Mrs. Kim - They're so cute.....

Mrs. Kim starts to clear the table and wash the dishes.


Nihyo runs toward the school gates. Whew.

Lay - Hey, why you running?

Nihyo - Oh umm I saw a ghost.

Lay - You're crazy.

Nihyo - Yeah..... I really am.

Lay - What'd you say?

Nihyo - Nothing.

Lay and Nihyo walk through the halls to their next class.

- I can't believe she came to school today.

- No shame. At least she could've dressed nice.

- Look she's with Lay. Is she gonna steal him too?

- She's such a slut. First Bobby, now Lay. I bet she's planning to get our beloved Baekhyun next!

- We can't let that happen. She's probably blackmailing them to get them to hang out with her.

- Ugghh. How low. Peasant.

Nihyo - Lay? What is everyone talking about?

Lay - Umm... Well....

The screens on the walls inside the school turn on and play a video of Nihyo, Seung, and Bobby.

Nihyo walks over and watches.

The video had no sound but everything looked like she was the bad guy. It showed the first time Seung and her talked. When Bobby chased her and Seung was crying. No... This is wrong....

Lay - Someone hacked the security cameras and got the footage. It's been playing since 6.

Nihyo - It wasn't my fault.....

Lay - I know. I believe you. Just don't listen to what people say. You've got Exo behind you.

Nihyo stays silent.

Lay comforts her and rubs her back.

Lay - Hey, it's gonna be alright. Them haters gonna hate.

Nihyo smiles a little.

Lay - That's better! Now let's go to class.

Nihyo - Okay...

Lay walks in first and Nihyo behind him. Nihyo gets pelted with paper balls and trash as soon as she walks in. She continues walking to her seat and the teacher comes in.

Teacher - Who threw this?!

Everyone scrambles back to their seat.

Teacher - Ughh... You guys are giving me a headache. Let's begin.


All day, Nihyo was hit with paper, pencils, and trash. Some people even threw rocks. Lucky for her, they weren't that big. Her locker was trashed and her jacket was covered in milk. Hearing nasty comments from students everywhere she went, Nihyo decided to go outside and sit on the field alone and rot.

I didn't do anything.... Why is this happening to me?

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