~ Chapter 14 ~

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Nihyo's POV - Same day

Nihyo, Lay, and Baekhyun walk back to the classroom. They arrive inside and a group of kids are huddle around someone's desk.

Nihyo - Hey what's everyone looking at?

Lay - Hmm, I don't know.

Baekhyun - It's probably the new girl. Ya know she looks a lot like you.

Nihyo - Really?

Lay - That's not possible.

Baekhyun - Why not?

Lay - No one can match Nihyo's beauty.

Nihyo and Baekhyun - O-O

Lay - I-I m-mean that she's u-unique so no one c-can copy her!! Everyone is different!

Baekhyun - Oookaaaaaay. Well let's just sit down then.

Lay walks to his seat red-faced along with Baekhyun. Nihyo follows behind but tries to take a glimpse of the new girl. Oh well. I'll see some other time.

Teacher - Let's begin.


Nihyo's POV

10:53 P.M. *yawn* I better get some sleep. It's late.

Nihyo goes to sleep and awakens in the same white room as before.

In the dream:

I'm here again??

She turns around and the same girl from before appears in front of her.

Nihyo - Oh. Hi again. Can you tell me who you are now?

??? - Nihyo... I'm your mother.

Nihyo - W-What? But you don't look like my mom. Plus you're like my age.

Mother - I'm your real mom. I'm appear 18. I look like this because I was this age when it all happened. When the accident happened....

Nihyo - A-Accident? What accident? What happened?

Mother - They took both of you.....

Nihyo - Both? Wait. I-I have a brother? Or a sister?

Mother - She's your sister. I.... I could only keep one of you....

Nihyo - What? Where's my sister?

Mother - I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry Nihyo.

Her mother runs away crying and Nihyo chases after her.

Nihyo - Wait! Where is my sister! What accident?! Mom! MOM!!


Bobby's POV

It's almost midnight and I haven't had any sleep. I'm worried about her. She's getting bullied and I can't do anything to help or I'll make it worse. Ugghh, why is life so complicated?

Is that someone screaming? Nihyo?

Bobby runs across the hall to find Nihyo shaking and flipping around in her sleep.

Nihyo - Mom!

Bobby - Nihyo! Nihyo wake up! Wake UP!

Nihyo - MOM! Wait!

Nihyo wakes up and hugs the first thing she sees, which happened to be Bobby. He freezes in place and she starts to cry.

Nihyo - .....mom......mom....

Bobby wraps his arms around Nihyo, trying to comfort her.

Bobby - Umm... A-Are you okay?

Nihyo - *sniffle* no...

Bobby - Did something happen to your mom?

Nihyo - Yeah...but I don't know what.

Bobby - Oh. That's too bad. Umm....

Nihyo - What?

Bobby - Nothing....

I can't believe she's not saying anything about me hugging her.

Wait. Am I hugging Bobby right now?

Nihyo - Ahh!

They let go immediately and Nihyo hides under the blanket.

Bobby - I-I ummm...

Nihyo - You can go now.

Bobby - Right. Bye.

Bobby leaves the room and goes back to his. He lays on his bed.

What just happened?


Nihyo's POV

If that was my real mom....then who are the people I've been living with for as long as I can remeber?

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