~ Chapter 10 ~

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Nihyo's POV

I'm walking to my first period right now. Ever since this morning, I've had an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Like something bad is going to happen today. I don't know...... but I'm worried.


Bobby's POV

I can't stop thinking about Nihyo. I stayed up all last night thinking about this. I realized something. I don't know what I did, but I know I can't be with Seung anymore. I can't be with someone that controlling and possessive. It ends today.

Seung - Bobby!

Bobby - AH!

Seung - Oh! I'm sorry did I scare you, baby?

Bobby - H-heh no b-baby I'm okay.

Seung - Well let me calm you down.

Seung leans into kiss Bobby but he quickly turns his head.

Seung - What's wrong? You don't want me anymore?! Huh?!

Bobby - No! It's not that... It's just ummm...... I have a cold! Yeah a cold. It's really nasty. I don't want you to get this. Wouldn't want my b-baby to get sick.

Seung - Oh. Well that's okay then. You're so sweet, looking after me. That's why I love you.

Bobby - Uh yeah. Love you too.... I guess....

I whispered the last part.

Seung - What was that?

Bobby - Nothing!


Nihyo's POV

It's almost the end of the school and I'm in my last period. I'm packing up slowly so the teacher doesn't yell at me because I started getting ready to go before the bell rang. I'm just staring intensely at the clock trying to use my brain power to speed up time. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. DINNNNNG!

Nihyo - Yes! Finally!

Baekhyun - Hey you coming?

Nihyo - Yeah.

Me and Baekhyun were walking down the hall together heading towards the outside.

Fangirl - Baekhyun oppa!

Fangirls - Baekhyun!

Baekhyun - Oh no. Nihyo run now or you'll get trampled!

Nihyo - Wait, but Baekhyun you're supposed to walk me home today!

Baekhyun - Sorry! But you're gonna have to run now!

Baekhyun runs off with at least 10 crazed fangirls following behind and disappears.

Nihyo - Ugh... I'm so lonely.

Nihyo walks to the gates and is about to walk out but someone calls her name.

??? - Nihyo.

Nihyo - Who said that?

??? - I did.

A person steps out from behind the bushes.

Nihyo - Oh Seung. What do you want this time?

Seung - We need to talk again.

Seung grabs Nihyo's arm and drags her away from the school to a dark alley.

Nihyo - I didn't do anything! I haven't talked to Bobby or looked at him or touched him! Nothing! So what do you want now?!

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