~ Chapter 20 ~

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Bobby's POV

On the way home Nihyo asked me to give her a piggy back ride. Of course I would because after what had just happened, I wasn't gonna say no to her.

Bobby - Ya. You're getting a little heavy. You think you could walk now?

Nihyo - ZzzZzz...

Bobby - Are you sleeping?

Nihyo - ......

Bobby turns his head to the side to look at Nihyo. Inches away from her face, he quickly turns back to the front.

Bobby - Yup. Definitely asleep.

He lifts her up more so she wouldn't fall off.

I was really really close to her face. Should I look again? No. Never mind. Just let her sleep. Yeah....sleep.

Without thinking, he turns once again, this time even closer to her. He stops and stares at her as she lays her head over his shoulder asleep. He slowly leans in and kisses her.

Nihyo rubs her bloodshot eyes and slowly opens them.

Bobby quickly turns back to the front.

Nihyo - Hey.... Why is there a weird feeling on my lips?


Bobby runs as fast as he can home with Nihyo bouncing on his back.

Nihyo - Ya! Slow down! I'm gonna fall!

Bobby sprints to the door and stops, breathing heavily.

Bobby - O....Open.. The d-door....

Nihyo gives the key to Bobby and he shoves it in the lock and opens the door. He runs through to the couch, closing the door with his foot. He plops Nihyo down on the couch and runs upstairs.

Nihyo - Bobby?


Later that Night ~ Nihyo's POV

I can't sleep! Ughhhhhh. Go to sleep brain. Go to sleeeeep. Huuuhhh.

Nihyo walks downstairs to the kitchen for some water. She sits there ruffling her hair and sighing. As she is drinking water, she hears someone coming downstairs.

Is that Mrs. Kim? Oh no no no no no.

Nihyo scurries behind the counter and hides.

Bobby - Hey. Its just me.

Nihyo - Oh. Hi. You can't sleep either?

Bobby - Nah.

Nihyo - Why can't you sleep?

Bobby - B-Because I uhhh keep thinking of cheese!

Nihyo - Real slick. Well I can't sleep cause of today. Ya know....

Bobby - Oh I get it.

Nihyo - Yeah.

Bobby - So can I ask you something?

Nihyo - Sure. What?

Bobby - Um who's Ae Ni?

Nihyo's eyes widen. How did he know that name?

Nihyo - Where did you hear that from

Bobby - Well when I went to the police station they said something about Ae Ni, I can't remember.

Nihyo slams her cup down on the table. She then walks out of the kitchen and stomps upstairs.

Bobby - Nihyo! Wait!

Bobby follows behind her quickly, reaching her just before she closes the door.

Bobby - H-Hey, what did I do?

Nihyo - Move your foot.

Bobby - No. Not until you talk to me.

Nihyo - Then I'll move it.

Bobby - Try.

Nihyo punches Bobby in the stomach and her crunches over in pain, removing his foot. She slams the door shut and locks it.

Bobby - Ow.

He rubs his stomach and sits outside the door. He leans back and sighs.

Bobby - Huuuhhh. What did I do?


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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