~ Chapter 9 ~

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Bobby's POV

This whole day, all I could think about was last night. I got in trouble during class for not paying attention and had to leave the room. Seung has been watching me. I could feel her worried stares on the back of my head. The one thing that's troubling me the most is not what happened last night. Why does she hang out with Exo? Is she friends with them? Is she dating one of them? Maybe she's with Lay. He looked at her pretty lovingly this morning. But... her and Baekhyun seem really close. Hmmm... which one is it..... Hold up. Why am I even thinking about this?! Okay. Nihyo is nothing to you. She's just some random girl who lives with you now. She is nothing. Your girlfriend is Nihyo. I-I mean Seung! Why? T^T


Nihyo's POV

Me, Baekhyun, and Lay were walking to the cafeteria together.

Baekhyun - Hey Nihyo?

Nihyo - Mm?

Baekhyun - Do you have any plans after school?

Lay - Baekhyun, what are you planning?

Nihyo - Nothing really. Besides doing my homework, showering, then going to sleep. Why?

Baekhyun - Well forget your homework, stay stinky, and drink some coffee because.....

Nihyo - •_•

Baekhyun - It's time to come with us and meet our hyungs!

Nihyo - What?

Lay - What.

Baekhyun - What??

Nihyo - Meet your hyungs?

Baekhyun - Yeah. Our hyungs. We've been friends for a long time now so I think it's time you get to know our closest friends.

Lay - We've known her for 3 days.

Baekhyun - That's a really long time. 72 hours. WOW.

Nihyo - Ummm thanks but I'd rather shower.

Baekhyun - Come on! It'll be soo much fun! We can sing, and dance, and play games together. Oh! We can order lots of food after too!

Nihyo - Ehhh.. I-I don't know.

Baekhyun - If you don't say yes I'll bite Lay til you do.

Nihyo - Bite Lay?

Lay - Bite me?!

Baekhyun grabs Lay's arm and starts to bite down very slowly.

Lay - Hey! It's starting to hurt now! Baekhyun stop.

Baekhyun - Nawt tul see ses yaaas.

Nihyo - Baekhyun stop. I'm not gonna say yes.

Lay - Oww! Dude! Seriously stop!

Baekhyun continues to bite down.

Lay - Nihyo just say yes please!

Nihyo - Lay don't give in so easily he'll stop eventually. He won't hurt you. Right?

Lay - I don't think you know Baekhyun yet. AAHHH!

Nihyo - OKAY!! Okay! Stop! I'll go.

Baekhyun let's go of Lay's arm.

Baekhyun - Great. Right after school meet us by the gates and we'll go from there.

Nihyo - -__-

Baekhyun flashes a cheesy smile at Nihyo and she laughs.

Lay - Oh my freaking gosh Baekhyun, look what you did to my arm. There's bite marks! And there deep! My arms about to bleed open.

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