~ Chapter 3 ~

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Nihyo's POV
I know that voice from somewhere...... Wait a minute! It's that rude guy I bumped into!!
I quickly pick my head up and right when I see his obnoxious face, I immediately start to cringe. Wait, why is he here? Don't tell me I'm gonna be living with him for 10 freaking months!! No. No. No. No. No. I can't. I couldn't. I'd probably kill myself! Either myself or him.

Lost in my own thoughts, I completely forgot about my surroundings.

" Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Nihyo. It's very nice to meet you," I say while bowing politely. Bobby does the same but with a smug look on his face. So disrespectful to his elders.

Mrs. Kim- Well why don't we all have a seat and order something. Then we can talk.

Mrs. Yoon~ I can't thank you enough for letting my daughter stay with you!

Mr. Kim- Don't worry a thing about her. She's in good hands.

Bobby & Nihyo- Wait!

Nihyo- I'm gonna be living with him?!

Bobby- She's gonna be living with us?!

All parents- Yes!

Bobby & Nihyo- NO!

Mrs. Yoon- Yoon Nihyo! How dare you yell! You should be thankful that these kind people are letting you in their home! Willing to care for you while we're gone!

Nihyo- Ommmaaaaa!!

Mrs. Yoon- That's enough now sit down!

I sit back down pouting and blow my hair out of my face. I can also see his parents scolding him too. Hmmpff, serves you right.

After the scoldings, there was a very heavy akward silence.

Mrs. Kim - Heh... Well alright! Now that that's settled, why don't we order something to eat?


Nihyo's POV

It's about 4:30 and we just finished eating. Neither Bobby nor I talked very much. Only when asked questions and even then it was simple answers like yes and no. Sometimes even an I don't know, but nothing beyond that.

My parents told me that the Kim's were coming by at 4:30 to pick me up. I had already said goodbye to them and they're off to some place, which I don't know of. I haven't cried like that for a while and it felt good to let out all my emotions building up inside. Not in front of them of course. I couldn't let them see me crying. Pity me. No. Definitely not that. They'd have second thoughts and stay here with me at their terrible job. I couldn't do that to them. It's too important. A knock at my door disrupts my thoughts and I have to get up and answer it. Ugghhhh. Why? I was so comfortable. It's probably the Kim's too. Now I gotta move and everything.

* opens door *
Mrs Kim- Hi sweetie! We're here to pick you up and help you move in! Sorry we're late it's just this guy over here ( points to Bobby ) wouldn't get out of the shower.

Me- Oh that's ok. I was just relaxing anyway.

Mrs. Kim- well alright! Let's get moving boys! Chop chop!
Bobby's POV

Ughh, great. I have to help move her stuff. My backs' probably gonna be sore tomorrow. All thanks to that annoying girl. Why does she have to live with us? I mean she could've stayed home by herself or, better yet, out on the streets. She even made me get out of the shower! This is gonna be the longest 10 months of my life...

Nihyo's POV

I'm sitting in their car waiting to move into hell.

I don't understand why this is happening to me! I don't get in trouble in school, I have good grades, and I'm nice to everybody. I'm basically the perfect daughter! So why God?! Why!?

After a few minutes of yelling in my head, I doze off to sleep.
Nihyo's POV
I feel the car stop and I fly forward a little, waking me up. I mentally groan knowing that I'm about to live in the same house with Bobby.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim head in first and tell Bobby to help me with my stuff. All he did was walk away. He shoved past me and I fell down. Wow, what a jerk. Grabbing my luggage, I drag my feet towards the last place on earth I'd liked to go. I stop at the front steps. Well this is it. I'm living in hell..... and Bobby's the devil.

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