~ Chapter 15 ~

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Nihyo's POV

That dream was real. I know it was. I need to figure out what happened to my sister and me, and who my "parents" really are. Where's my mom now?


Business trip in America - Nihyo's "Parents"

Nihyo's Real Mom - Where are my daughters!!

Mrs. Yoon - Oh shut up already. You know I'm not gonna tell you where they are.

Ms. Park - Please. Just.... just tell me if they're alive.

Mrs. Yoon - That information shall not be presented.

Ms. Park - TELL ME!!

Mrs. Yoon - Shut up!

Mrs. Yoon slaps the tied up Ms. Park in the face. Mr. Yoon walks in.

Mr. Yoon - Hi baby.

Mrs. Yoon - Oh! Hey babe. I'm just messing with the captive.

Mr. Yoon - Aww I missed all the fun.

Mrs. Yoon - Hey don't worry. We can do it again later.

Mr. Yoon - Alright.

Mrs. Yoon - Have you checked on Nihyo?

Mr. Yoon - Um. No.

Mrs. Yoon - We have to keep an eye on her! Yeoni escaped. If Yeoni and her meet, they could mess up the whole plan!

Mr. Yoon - I-I'm sorry! I'll go call her right now!

Ms. Park - Hey! Nihyo's alive! Let me talk to her!

Mrs. Yoon - No she's not! Shut up!

Mrs. Yoon slaps her again.

Mrs. Yoon - Go call her. Right. Now.

Mr. Yoon - Yes, sir. I-I mean ma'am. G-General?

Mrs. Yoon - Just go!

Mr. Yoon exits the room to call Nihyo.

Mrs. Yoon - Now let's see how good you are against knives....

Ms. Park - W-What?!


Nihyo's POV

Before getting ready for school, I walk across the hall to thank Bobby for comforting me last night. Even though it was weird, he still helped me.

*knock knock*

Bobby opens the door.

Bobby - What do you want, Mo- Oh Nihyo. Umm what is it? Is something wrong? Is it your mom?

Nihyo - I... no. I just wanted to thank you. Ya know for helping me with all my crap last night.

Bobby - Oh. Haha yeah. No problem.

They stand there in an awkward silence.

Nihyo - I-I should probably go get ready.

Bobby - Uh yeah! Me too!

Nihyo - But you already have your uniform on.

Bobby - O-Oh I do? Haha well I better get to school then! See Ya!

Bobby runs out of his room and closes the door, leaving Nihyo confused.

She goes to her room to get ready. While combing her hair, she gets a call.

Mr. Yoon - Nihyo! Are you okay? How's it been?

Nihyo - Hey d-dad. Um it's been good. How's mom?

Mr. Yoon - Oh she's alright. She's busy having fun with her new friend.

Nihyo - Oh. Umm okay.

Mr. Yoon - So how's school? M-Meet anyone new?

Nihyo - Well there's a new girl. I don't know much about her though.

Mr. Yoon - What's her name.

Nihyo - What?

Mr. Yoon - Give me her name!

Nihyo - I don't know her name!

Nihyo hears a loud scream in the background.

Nihyo - What was that?!

Mr. Yoon - Oh haha well that's just your mom having fun. U-Umm I-I have to go now sweetheart. I'll talk to you as soon as I can. Bye.

Mr. Yoon hangs up quickly.

W-Was that my real mom? S-Screaming? No. They wouldn't do anything bad. Maybe they have a good reason for why I'm here. Yeah. No worries.


At school

I was walking through the hallway when someone called my name.

Yeoni - Nihyo! Wait up!

Nihyo - Huh? Oh umm... Who are you?

Yeoni - Park Yeoni. Nice to meet you. Look I have something I really need to say.

Nihyo - Woah. Hold on. I don't swing that way. Sorry.

Yeoni - Oh, no! That's not what I meant.

Nihyo - O-Oh. Well this is embarrassing. I'm gonna walk away now.

Yeoni - Wait! No! I still have something to tell you.

Nihyo - Oh. Okay. What is it?

Yeoni - I-I... U-Ummm... C-Can we be friends?

Nihyo - Sure. Why not.

Yeoni - Really?

Nihyo - Yeah. I need a friend that's a girl anyway. Too many guys.

Yeoni - Wow. You must be popular.

Nihyo - Umm. Not really. Just not very friendly with other girls.

Yeoni - Oh.

Nihyo - Yeah well you can hang out with me and my friends now.

Yeoni - Won't it be awkward?

Nihyo - No. No it won't. Trust me.

Okay. Good job, Yeoni. Now all I have to do is become close enough to tell her the truth about everything. That I'm her sister.

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