~ Chapter 12 ~

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Nihyo's POV

Nihyo lays down on the grass in silence, eyes closed.

Baekhyun - Ya. Get up.

Nihyo - What do you want Baekhyun?

Baekhyun - How did you know it was me?

Nihyo - I can tell by your voice. Now what do you want?

Baekhyun - I want you to get up off the floor.

Nihyo - Why should I? Everyone hates me. I'm better off dead.

Baekhyun dramatically picks up Nihyo off the floor and slaps her.

Nihyo - YA!

Baekhyun - DON'T YOU DIE ON ME!! NOT ON MY BIRTHDAY!! NOOO! *fake sobs*

Nihyo - It's your birthday?

Baekhyun stops "crying".

Baekhyun - No. It was just a play. Annnnnnd scene.

They hear clapping from behind.

Lay - Bravo. However I did not like the part of the slapping.

Nihyo - What're you doing here?

Lay - Probably the same reason Baekhyun is here.

Nihyo - Which is?

Lay - To keep you from dying.

Nihyo - Oh. Well too late. I already died inside.

Lay - Come on. Who cares what they say? They're just jealous cause you have us.

Nihyo - I thought they were mad cause of Bobby and Seung.

Baekhyun - That too.

Lay - Well whatever. It doesn't matter why they're mad. We'll protect you.

Nihyo lays her head on Lay's shoulder and closes her eyes. His heart beat becomes faster and he holds his breath.

Baekhyun wiggles his eyebrows at Lay from behind.

Lay makes an imaginary dagger and drags it across his throat, warning Baekhyun.

Baekhyun - Kekekeke. :3

All three of them sit outside quietly.

Embracing the silence because.... who knows what the devil has prepared for them next.


Author's Note :
Hi guys! I know. Very short, boring update but it's hard for me to type and stay awake. Sorry, but I broke my arm recently and the medicine makes me really sleepy. Well I updated anyway! Hooray! I will keep my promise and update every weekend. I'll try to make it more interesting next time. Thank you guys for the support! Please continue to read my story! Bai Bai ~ ^^

~ Sincerely, Author~nim

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