Chapter 3: A New Decree

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All the students were very tired and didn't pay attention to the password when the Prefects told them. As September 1 had been Saturday, the next day was a holiday. Everyone was given a day to settle in. Remus and Lily were best friends by the end of the day. Severus, Sirius, James and Peter were so close that they could be called brothers. They had spent the rest of the day strolling down to Hagrid's hut, roaming around the great lake, goofing around and finding their way about the castle.

The classes started the very next day and all teachers gave them an introduction about their subjects. The practical classes started from the 3rd day and till then theory about the respective topics was taught. A week seemed to have flown by to the gang as they approached the great lake on a chilly Saturday afternoon. They sat under a tree playing truth and dare while eating sweets. Lily and Remus decided amongst themselves that the 4 of them need to shut up. So when it was her turn, she dared all 4 of them (except Remus) to swim in the Great Lake.

The boys had no option but to accept the dare. So, they took put on a warmth spell Severus' mother had taught him and went to the great lake to swim. They swam and managed to convince the giant squid to give all 4 of then a ride on it's back while Remus and Lily had a quiet game of Wizard Chess.

All 6 of them got into detention after their excited and joyous screams were heard to the castle and McGonagall had to come to stop them from disturbing the rest of the castle. In detention, all 6 of them were given lines to write 50 times. Remus and Lily were given "I will not give a dare to the boys to swim in the lake." while the other 4 were told to write "I will not scream and disturb the entire castle or swim in the Great Lake."

After their detention, they went to the common room where they were greeted with a round of applause by their housemates. During Dinner, Dumbledore made an announcement. He announced that a new decree had been passed saying that swimming in the Great Lake was now forbidden.

The gang of 4 decided that Lily and Remus should also be included in their pranks as their knowledge and skills would be useful. Both of them agreed on the basis that the 4 would study with them. They soon planned a number of pranks to be carried out. However, their plans were interrupted when Remus had to go visit his distant aunt who was dying.

When Remus returned, he was covered with new scars. All of them asked about them, but Remus would not answer at all. He had tried hiding them but it hadn't been of much use.

The 6 Marauders (Snape, Lily and the other 4)Where stories live. Discover now