9. Lycanthropy

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They discussed their observations every time Remus wasn't around.

Their observations included:-
1) He got a scar every month he went to visit his relatives or was sick himself.
2) His visits were always around full moon.
3) He would eat more raw meat during that time.
4) He grew more introverted and got easily angry or annoyed when the month was nearing the Full moon.

They wanted to confirm their suspicions. Their plan was ready as they approached the full moon. At night, James, Sirius and Severus followed Remus under the Invisibility cloak. They saw him being accompanied by Professor McGonagall to the Whomping Willow. The whomping Willow stopped moving when it saw Remus. The group of 3 followed them inside the trunk. They were astonished to see a stairway inside a tree leading to a shack. They reached the shack and saw Remus put down his spare clothes and a meal on the bed. The moon was hidden behind the clouds. As soon as Remus saw it come out, He gave a signal to McGonagall. She immediately changed into her Animagus form and saw what she was used to seeing every full moon. The multiple experiences didn't stop it from the heart-breaking scene. She saw poor Remus transform into a vicious Werewolf. The night passed slowly and all 4 of them couldn't suppress their tears as Remus hurt himself. He soon fell asleep on the bed and at dawn, McGonagall changed into her human form and took Remus to the hospital wing.

The group followed her. Madam Pomfrey was waiting for Remus to arrive. She gave him a healing potion and tied bandages to the deeper wounds. Now that the group's suspicion was confirmed, they decided to tell Lily and Peter, who were waiting in the common room all night. They sneaked into Hogsmeade and bought a box full of Remus' favourite chocolate. They decided to give him a surprise. All of them were roommates. Hence, they decorated the entire room and even took help from house-elves. They found a big box and artistically decorated it to open releasing a box full of chocolate carried by butterflies. Inside the box, there were photos of their first and second year. Beneath the chocolate bars, they had placed a big album consisting of even more photos.

Author's Note: There you have it. Remus' lycanthropy is revealed.

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