Chapter 5: Breaking the Rules for good

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2-3 hours passed by and they all knew that Sirius hadn't eaten any food. So they came up with a plan. Remus and Lily went to kitchens. Remus asked one of the house-elves to prepare a food basket with Sirius' favourite food while Lily found Sirius' favourite chocolate.

Meanwhile, James and Severus borrowed 2 brooms from the quidditch players and went to the training grounds. Meanwhile, Peter tried to talk to Sirius telling him the truth "Sirius, Nobody laughed at you when your mother was shouting in the howler. They were looking at you with empathy. And it doesn't matter whether your mother welcomes you home. You will always have a place at all of our houses."

Remus and Lily joined him. "Tell your mother that you have never felt more at home in these 2 weeks than you have ever felt there. Here, we brought you a chocolate." He passed the chocolate through the door. James and Severus had mounted the brooms and flew to their dormitory floor. They reached the window and broke it and got into their dormitory. Then, James comforted Sirius while Severus opened the door and fixed the window.

All 3 of them came in and group hugged Sirius. Remus and Lily gave him the food they had brought from the kitchen. They spent the rest of the day cheering him up. The group sent a howler back to Walburga for talking to their friend in such a manner just for getting sorted into Gryffindor when she should have been the one congratulating him. To make her more angry at the howler she would be receiving, they sent her a photo of Sirius in Gryffindor clothes playing wizard chess while laughing with his friends. They also included a line saying that Sirius had more friends than she had manners.

When McGonagall found out what happened after the group had followed Sirius, she let it by saying that she would allow it just this once because they had broken the rule for Sirius' benefit. She even awarded them 5 points in all for being a good friend.

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