Chapter 7:9 and 3/4 Quarters

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The months went by fast and soon it was End-of-Term. James, Sirius and Severus had been in more detentions than 7th year students in their entire education. Remus, Peter and Lily had not been so notorious. They had been in a few detentions but not as many as the others. One could say that the teachers favoured them rather than James, Sirius and Severus.

The group had observed that Remus had a lot of sick relatives and he too got sick a lot. They always seemed concerned about him but Remus never revealed the true reason as to why he was so sick all the time. Slytherin won the house cup that year but Gryffindor wasn't far behind.

On the ride back home, it was evident that Sirius was getting more and more nervous. Even, Wizard Chess couldn't make him take his mind off his thoughts. When they reached, it was clear why Sirius was so nervous. On the platform, his younger brother, mother and father were waiting for him. Not far enough, they could see James' parents, Remus' parents, Peter's parents talking to each other. They had been introduced during the Christmas holidays which Sirius had spent over at James' house. Lily and Severus spotted Petunia, Mr. and Mrs. Evans along with Eileen. They all walked over to Sirius' parents and heard what they were saying to him.

Walburga was scolding Sirius as quietly as possible to not attract attention "-What do you think you and your so-called friends were trying to do by sending that Howler and a photo of you smiling? As if I want to see you in your Gryffindor clothes. We were planning not to come collect you but your brother Regulus begged to meet you. We don't want our only son to have tears in his eyes. So- " She was stopped by Euphemia Potter, James' mother.

She said, "How dare you say something like that to a 11 year old boy whose only mistake was to get sorted into the house which represents his true nature. No wonder, Sirius is brave. He had to stand up to your toxic behaviour towards him. I would be more than willing to take in Sirius and Regulus if it would make him happy, rather than leaving him with you monsters." Sirius had never see Euphemia so furious at anyone. If looks could kill Euphemia and Walburga would both be dead from the looks they were giving each other.

Regulus whispered something in his mother's ear and Walburga eventually spoke. She told Sirius that she would be taking him home because Regulus wanted his older brother. They had to agree because Walburga was his legal guardian. The only fun Sirius had in the vacation was when Regulus played with him or when he was allowed to be alone in his room. The summer vacation passed by soon enough and before leaving, Sirius had covered his room with Gryffindor colours with a permanent sticking spell.

Regulus and Sirius were both early to King's cross. Regulus sat with first years while Sirius found a good compartment for the group. Lily and Severus arrived together after a few minutes. James and Peter both came in smirking and laughing. They had tried climbing the Hogwarts train to look for the outside view. The trolley witch had stopped them and they were forced to come down. Remus came with 2 minutes to 11. He had a huge scar on his face and he looked very tired and exhausted. He wouldn't tell them how he had got the scar and requested to travel in silence. When they reached Hogwarts, they sought help from Madam Pomfrey who immediately admitted Remus in the hospital wing. Regulus was sorted into Slytherin. Sirius gave him a thumbs up and a smile which encouraged Regulus even more.

The 6 Marauders (Snape, Lily and the other 4)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz