17. Exams

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The marauders started searching for books on topics of Animagi the very next day. Madam Pince, the librarian, was surprised to see six students at once entering the day after the holidays. She told them to be quiet and carried on with her work as usual.

A week had passed since they had begun to search for guidance and information books. Lily and Remus took matters in their hands when the remaining 4 received detentions for not completing their homework and assignments. Lily and Remus nagged the boys into using the homework planners they had received on Christmas. And hence, it was decided that they would not look for information on animagi until and unless their homework was completed.

They bought 6 journals each connected through magic - When either of them wrote in their respective journals, the same information would get printed on the other 5. It also showed the name of the person who had written it. They made sure to write the name of the book they had gotten the information from so that they could refer to it as future references.

The year exams were approaching fast and all of them had decided to put the research to the side and study.

Their exams got over on Saturday. They spent the Sunday exploring Hogwarts and plotting pranks to play in each place.

They had a week till results were out and students didn't have classes the whole week. Most of the students spent their time on the grounds or playing quidditch. But the marauders decided to do a bit of everything.

They spent their time till lunch in the library, researching Animagus (or goofing around). After lunch they spent their time breaking records and playing pranks.

On the first day, they decided to break records by seeing how long it would take Madam Pince to remove them out of the library.
James went in playing a loud trumpet. He was removed under 30 seconds.
Sirius went in the library flying on his broom and took out a minimum of 15 books before Madam Pince cast "Petrificus Totalus" on him and brought him down to the ground.
Severus waltzed with Lily throughout the library before being removed for making books fall from Madam Pince's hands.
Remus did his favourite. He simply took a large block of chocolate inside the library and munched on it. He even dared to offer some to Madam Pince, who levitated him out of the Library.
Peter simply asked her to dance with him while James played the trumpet.

The marauders were banned from the library for the whole week. At the end of Friday, the marauders had managed to get on the nerves of each and every teacher and student alike. Realising this, the marauders came up with the idea to prank their ultimate prank.

On Saturday, they acted as if they had pranked everyone, but had done nothing at all. The entire Hogwarts was on the edge of their seats the whole day. Even Dumbledore was looking fully alert.

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. ENJOY!!!

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